To Menagerie

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Beacon went down while I was fighting Biollante, while I was distracted the white fang took the opportunity....many lives were lost, and I could've saved them, Adam Taurus....start praying because you'll need every help from God when I find you.
Blake: Y/N....are you okay?
Me: yeah I'm fine
Blake: you haven't slept in days
Me: is it that noticeable
Blake:well your side of the bed hasn't been touched since we got on this boat
Me: I know.....I'm sorry, I should've been there
Blake: Y/ isn't your fault
Me: it is....I was fighting that damned plant
Blake: you were the only one who could stop it
Me: where was Alice during all of this
Blake: she has duties
Me: like what, I was to keep my eye on her
Blake: here
Me: what is it
Blake: we're invited to a wedding
Me: who's
Blake: Yang's
Me: she's getting married?
Blake: I didn't think it would happen so soon.....bed
Me: fine....
I walked over to the bed and Laid down
Me: huh....this is ni-zzzzz
Blake POV
I forgot, he is always peaceful when he sleeps. I started sleeping until I felt something shake me awake. It was Y/N, he looked afraid.
Me: Y/N.....what's wrong
Y/N: stay down.....something is coming
Me: what?
The boat started shaking. From outside the window I saw something with a long slender body. It was colored blue.
Me: what is that?
Y/N: something I thought died long ago
Me: um.....what is it?
Y/N: Manda
Ravenark: ah Manda, such a restless soul ever since my death.....he's come to see Y/N
What makes you so sure about that.
Ravenark: well why else would a friendly Kaiju come to a boat
Ravenark: Manda is loyal, he'll fight until he dies
Should I let Y/N know.
Ravenark: I wouldn't hurt
Me: Y/N?!
Y/N: yes Blake
Me: what if it's friendly
Y/N: I'm going to find out
Me: don't do anything stupid
Y/N: hehehehe.....I'll try
Y/N ran out of the room.
I looked up to see the blue serpent Kaiju. He looked down at me. It was making these growls....but I could understand it
Manda: Talofa, loʻu Tupu
Me: hi....what brings you here Manda
Manda: O se mea leaga o le a oʻo mai, faʻapotopoto faatasi le au tau, naʻo le avanoa
Me: what's this evil thing, and a Kaiju Army?
Manda: o se mea leaga, o mana e sili atu nai lo oe
Me: what would the Kaiju Army consist of
Manda: Soo se tasi e gaoia oe o le a mulimuli atu ia te oe i Seoli ma tua
Me: I guess it's going to be a small Army then hehehe
Manda: Ua leva ona e tolu, o vaomatua o loʻo siomia ai le motu, atonu o loʻo i ai mea e te manaʻomia
Me: the desert? I thought that place had only Grimm
Manda: Kaiju i soo se mea
Me: thanks Manda.....if you see any, send the word, if this thing has great power, then we need to be ready
Manda nodded and dived back into the ocean. I turned around to see the captain and the others on the boat staring at me like I'm nuts.
Me: what?
Captain: what the hell did you do?
Me: I was talking.....who's driving the ship
Captain: oh shit
He ran back to his post.
TimeSkip 2 hours
Blake and I finally made it to Menagerie.
Blake: you still haven't told me what Manda told you
Me: it was nothing the way, I like the new outfit
Blake looked down and blushed a little.
We both started walking to the big house, apparently it was hers.
Blake: you ready
Me: why would I have to prepare? I've met your parents before.
Blake: I know, it's just my father may snap off a little, mostly because of the amount of work he has to do, so don't take any offense to it
Me: deal
I knocked but accidentally punched a hole in the door.
Me: oh God Dammit, how the hell was I supposed to know these doors were weaker
Blake: Y/N, pull your hand out
Me: ok
I pulled it out
Me: lets try the bell
I pushed the door bell.
Blake's mother answered the door.
Kali: Blake....what happened are you hurt
Blake: I'm fine mom
Ghira: Who is it
Ghira saw Blake, the ran to eachother and hugged
Ghira: it so good to see you.......the hell happened to my door
Me: I can fix it

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