The Truth of Ancestry

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Look at all of these play things, just want to murder them all
3rd POV
Y/N looked off into the distance to see an 8 ship armada.
Y/N: looks like Ironwood still has followers, no matter, I will crush them like flies
Me: Mistress Salem, please I beg of you, let me see my son
Salem: you don't take no for answer, fine
A screen opened up, it was Godzilla roaring, my son, he is able to transform, I wonder for how long though, he's still a child, unless, MERLOT YOU BASTARD
Me: may I please speak with him
Salem: fine, but this is your one call for 20 years
Me: thank you mistress
?????: hello Y/N
Who is this
?????: don't you recognize my voice
Mom: yes my child, I'm your mother, Amy L/N
But how, you died
Mom: I am in a world of hell, all the innocence I have killed while I was a Kaiju, they came back on me
Mom.....I'm sorry, I'm a monster
Mom: you're more than that, I have something Merlot never told you about, and before you ask yes he is your father
Mom: well Godzilla is known as the strongest of all the Kaiju, they made him a king in ancient times, well long ago your great grandfather was a guardian Kaiju, the king infact, he was a true legend, he had a son, and I was next in the royal blood line, I turned it down because I didn't want all of that, I wanted a family, but you my son, you are a King, King of the Monsters, a title that shouldn't be taken lightly, if you wish not to take it, I won't be mad
Mom......I'll take it as an honor, we'll use it more as a tribute to great grandfather
Mom: you have grown up so much, I wish we could talk longer, but I must go, son, I love you, and I hope someday when the time comes, I'll be able to see you again
and just like that, she was gone.
Blake POV
Me: Professor Ozpin what do we do now
Ozpin: see if Y/N has calmed a bit
A screen opened up, it was Y/N standing there, he then roared loudly into the sky
Ozpin: I wonder what's wrong
Me: Professor Ozpin, look at his eye
Ozpin: he's.....crying
Me: I'm going out there
Y/N roared again, flashed were coming off his body, it even knocked out the drone.
Me: how.......what happened to him, it's always anger, now he's upset
Ozpin: Blake, go, he may need you
I ran out to a Bullhead and started heading towards Y/N
Ozpin POV
My computer started to make some noise, I looked over, Y/N's activity hasn't gone unnoticed, the mountain is crumbling a little bit. In a hurry I called Blake
Me: Blake you have to hurry to Y/N, the seismic activity he's causing is dangerous, he will wake up a creature known for destruction
Blake: I'm almost to him, just make sure no military personnel go to him
Me: I'll get in touch with Higgins

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