Ilia Amitola

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Blake POV
I was walking out to the balcony, Y/N followed
Me: it's a beautiful night
Y/N: yeah....nights like these remind me of my childhood
Me: before Merlot?
Y/N: yep.....before I even knew what a Kaiju was.
Me: must've been nice before the fighting
Y/N: oh definitely, if you don't mind me asking, what was your childhood like
Me: well as you know I was apart of the White Fang, before they turned to hurting people
Y/N: I understand
Me: I mostly spent time looking at the stars.
Y/N: Blake.....we're both 18
Me: yes Y/N....we are
Y/N: well....I went into town
He got down on one knee
Me: Y/N....are you?
Y/N: yeah....Blake Belladonna.....will you marry me
Me: Y/N....YES
I ran into his arms as he swung me around. We both hugged. As we were hugging I heard something
Me: do you hear that
Y/N: Who's out there
There was a shadow on the tree.
Me: Ilia?
Ilia: 'bout time you saw me
Y/N: who the hell
Ilia: who's the freak
Me: Freak?
Ilia: him....
Y/N: hey....Fuck you too
Me: why are you here
Ilia: well, I came to say hello since you're back in town
Me: don't lie to me
Ilia: fine
She pulled out her whip.
This bitch took out her whip and used it on Blake...well tried to anyway. I cut in front of it, it wrapped around my spines and I felt some power.....electrical power. I turned around and grabbed the whip and pulled her to me. She was on the ground and I then pick her up by the throat and put her against the wall.
Me: alright Blake, ask your questions.
Riley POV
I was laying in the bed, just thinking about how different things would've been. I'm an outcast among my family, I don't have any friends, well....these people do show kindness. I hope we can beat this evil creature that's coming. It's weird, there's always been evil Kaiju, but never anything strong enough for an army of Kaiju. Let's hope this so called "King" knows what he's doing. From outside I heard something thrown. I looked out the window to see Blake and Y/N.
Me: what's going on
Blake: sorry to wake you
Me: is he alright
Blake: just an interrogation....
????: Adam will have your heads
Y/N: oh just shut up
I closed my window.
Blake POV
Me: tell us and we'll let you go
Ilia: you know what....FINE, Adam will fucking kill you, I'm here to make sure I know what I'm dealing with.....I know I can fight you Blake....there will be something for him
Me: Y/N....she's no use....just let her go, we'll be ready for anything
Y/N: alright girly, where's your base's general direction
She pointed and he threw her in the direction.
Mom: what happened
Me: Y/N proposed
I heard a door break open behind us, it was my dad
Me: Y/
Y/N: that's a good idea
Y/N ran and jumped off the side of the balcony, my father followed and jumped too. You could see them both running into the town.
Mom: what did you say dear
Me: I said yes
Me: MOM!!!
Mom: I know....I'm screwing with you....but really I'm so happy for you...
Me: I'm so excited
Ghira: show yourself
Me: NO

Alright, I want to take it a little easier for this chapter, Next chapter will involve more of the hunting, and of course, after the main story, there will be an epilogue

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