King of the Island

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We were walking through the unpopulated part of Atlas, no one could see us.
Me: is that an island
Weiss: yep, apparently an ancient tribe over there worship a few different type of Kaiju, like the Cosmos did for Mothra.
Me: Kaiju?
Weiss: yes Y/N Kaiju
Me: maybe a Mothra could be over there
Weiss: *sigh* fine let's do it
Me: you know the words right?
Weiss: Yep, let's get over there, on the way there i'll start trying to lure Mothra.
Me: sounds like a plan
I transformed and dived right into the water. Weiss ran across my tail and onto my neck. I started swimming towards the island.
Weiss: Mosura Ya Mosura.....Dongunkasa kuyan indo muu....Rusoto uriadooa, hamba hambamuyan.....Randa banuradan, tounjuukanraa....Kasakuyan............Mosura Ya Mosura.....Dongunkasa kuyan indo muu....Rusoto uriadooa, hamba hambamuyan.....Randa banuradan, tounjuukanraa....Kasakuyan
I can feel a little something in the distance, it could be a larva, they always loved that song.
Weiss: is it working
How the fuck does she think I respond.
TimeSkip to the Island
There was a little cave area, I transformed back and Weiss got off.
Weiss: well......this is it
Me: looked bigger from far away
Weiss: we just hit the beach, we still have an entire island to see
Me: AW.....alright
We climbed the rocks and went into the cave.
Me: small cave
Weiss: watch out for glass, it's like someone threw it.
Me: that's odd......what the fuck?
Weiss: what?
We both were looking at this little girl, just standing there.
Me: what do we do
Weiss: I have my glyphs ready if needed
Me: sounds good.
We started walking towards her, she then pointed at us.
Me: ok she is freaking me the fuck out....cover your ears
Weiss covered her ears and I roared, making the little girl run.
Me: alright, next
We took a few steps and a bunch more natives came out.
Weiss: what the hell.
Me: it seems we-
I felt something sharp hit my skin, it went through surprisingly.
Me: hey look.....birdy
I passed out.
Weiss POV
Y/N fell over with over 100 darts around his spines. I screamed, it scared me, I don't want to hurt these people, we went onto their island. I couldn't stand here and do nothing, I summoned a knight and was ready. The natives came closer until a loud roar was heard. The natives looked around in fear, even I didn't know what it could be.
I felt something hit the back of my neck and I fell to the ground.
I woke up, it was night, I noticed the natives around me, I tried summoning a glyph but I couldn't....they nullified my power somehow.....those darts......what the hell am I they ripped my favorite fucking dress, I couldn't even recognize it.
Ow my head....what happened.....why does that guy have a stick.
The guy went over to me and smashed the stick on my head, it broke and he looked at me in fear.
Me: you dun fucked up
I grabbed him and threw him into the wall. I looked around to see it was night and fires were in the sky
Me: oh Blake is gonna kill me
I heard Weiss screaming and made my way towards the sounds, I made it to a wall, I looked through to see something come out of the shadows, and her hanging there
Me: oh hell no, Blake will have my head
I thought of things to get me angry but nothing was working.
Phil: I have a plan, Cinder!
My eyes went reptilian, there was no stopping that flow of anger. I transformed, and no control.
3rd POV
There was a monkey thing looking down at Weiss, it had to be 25 feet. It moved its hand towards Weiss and touched her face. As Weiss looked up with her peripherals she saw a blue light fly over the monkey. The Monkey looked at the wall and roared. On the stand next to Weiss there were barrels, he shoved it in his mouth and grew to the size of Godzilla
Weiss: what the fuck?
Weiss looked over and it was military grade growth hormones, they use it to help animals grow, though only a prototype, it seems it works.....sorta.
The natives were screaming something
Natives: Kong...Kong....Kong
Godzilla and Kong both stared eachother in the eyes and charged eachother. Kong bit down on Godzilla's shoulder, making a little bit of blood ooze out, Godzilla grabbed the back of Kong and threw him to the ground. He then grabbed Kong by the ankle and threw him into the wall, killing hundreds of Natives behind it.
Weiss: my powers.....WORK DAMN YOU, I'll be crushed if I stay on this thing any longer
Blake POV
Dad: everything okay?
Me: I'm fine, I'm just worried about Y/N
Dad: he's a Kaiju right? He should be fine
Me: but what if he's fighting another one, one that's strong like him
Dad: do you honestly believe he would fight Kaiju when he's trying to search for an army
Me: I see your point, but he's.....unpredictable
Mom: aren't we all
Me: where did you come from?
Mom: hey, I like to listen in on conversations
Me: mom, I need your opinion
Mom: what is it?
Me: do you think Y/N screwed something up?
Mom: well-
3rd POV
Kong grabbed a boulder and smashed Godzilla in the face with it. Godzilla looked up and charged Kong putting it into the small shacks the natives made.

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