Chapter Three: Shine and Sparkle

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So sorry!!!!!! That's literally all I can say. 

Love you all, 


When Scorpius Malfoy steps into the Slytherin Common Room, people glance up. Some smile and wave, some frown, and some just look nervous. But Scorpius pays as little attention to the frowns as he does to the smiles. He strides purposefully towards a corner table, where two Slytherin boys are sitting with a slight blonde girl who wears Ravenclaw robes.

"Hello, Scorpius!" the girl says brightly, turning to look at him. 

"Emmalei," he says sharply, "what are you doing down here? You know how the headmistress feels about students visiting other Houses' dormitories." 

His sister's smile falters a little. "I only came to see Albus." She gestures to the black haired Potter boy at her right. "He's asked me to the Vernal Formal. Isn't it wonderful?" 

Scorpius turns to Albus. "Potter, what in Merlin's name do you think you're doing?" 

"Something that's entirely my business and Emmalei's," Albus says staunchly, "and not yours." 

"Yeah!" Albus's best friend, Carter Zabini, chimes in helpfully. "You're not in charge of them." 

Scorpius's jaw tightens. "Emmalei, you're only fifteen," he says shortly. "Albus is two years older than you." 

Emmalei smiles hopefully at her brother. "But I fancy him. A lot! And he fancies me too. We're alright with it. You should be as well."  

Scorpius shakes his head, now seriously displeased. "You know Mum and Dad won't approve of you going to a dance with someone right now. If you go with Albus to the dance I'm going to inform them." 

Emmalei gasps, tears coming to her eyes. "But Scorpius, I-"

"Well I like that!" Albus hisses to Scorpius. "I told you it wasn't any of your business! Emmalei is quite old enough to decide for herself!" 

Scorpius rolls his eyes. "Albus, please. Emmalei is better off not going with you anyways. You might be Harry Potter's son but you haven't got any talents worth speaking of- and that includes dancing."

Albus glowers at him. "You take that back, Malfoy!" 

"I'm not retracting anything I've said," Scorpius says sharply. "Come on, Emmalei." 

With a sigh, Emmalei Malfoy follows Scorpius out of the Slytherin common room. She says nothing to Albus, besides throwing him a couple of longing backward glances. 

Albus and Carter watch them leave. Al swears violently the minute the door to the Slytherin common room closes.

"Untalented? A bad dancer? Did you hear him?" 

"Obviously," Carter says sympathetically. 

"He thinks he owns Emmalei," Al fumes. "The first girl who's ever fancied me back, and he's her brother! I have the worst luck imaginable. I'll never ask another girl to the Vernal Formal. At least that way Emmalei won't have to feel jealous." He thinks for a minute. "I'm seventeen and three quarters, Carter!" he exclaims. "I need to live a little." 

"We could go to the Formal," Carter offers. 

Al looks at his friend askance. "Sorry, mate, I don't bat for that team." 

Carter rolls his eyes a la Scorpius Malfoy. "I meant we could go as friends. Be loners together. You follow me?" 

Albus nods. "Yeah." Then he brightens up. "But we'll bring dates! I know I can convince Emmalei to come with me. That just leaves you to find a girl. And we won't come back from the dance until-" 

"Until what?" Carter asks. 

"Until we've kissed a girl," Albus whispers. 

Carter shakes his head."Albus, I can't- I can't do that. I've tried! What if  we just hug them or something?" 

Albus shakes his head, excited. "I told you," he says, "I have to live a little. I'm seventeen and three quarters. Got to start things off for myself." 

Carter shrugs. "It's on you then." 

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