Chapter Ten: Elegance

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In the meantime, Albus and Carter are having issues of their own, mainly because they are both lacking in funds. Both Irene and Emmie have already picked out breathtaking dresses and dress robes for the Vernal. The most Albus has procured is a corsage, which of course promptly died. Carter hasn't bought anything. 

However, the weeks begin to go faster by. Three pass, and the heckling becomes too much for both boys. They each, unbeknowst to the other, head to the discount section of Gladrags Wizardwear on the next Hogsmeade weekend. 

Lily is there as well, browsing among the cheap dresses near the front for material- she plans to refurbish several clothing items and sell them at a modest price to Formal-goers. She sees Carter enter furtively, and notices Albus enter not two minutes later. She, of course, says nothing. She has been feeling rather bored and dissatisfied lately, and this promises to provide prime entertainment. 

Sure enough, within a minute a loud yelp resounds from the back of the store, behind the rack of scuffed dress shoes. 

"What are you doing here?" This is Albus. The clatter which immediately follows indicates that someone has dropped something. 

"I could ask the same thing of you." This from Carter, who sounds less indignant and more sheepish. 

Lily moves to inspect some lovely enchanted butterfly heels which sit on a shelf adjacent to the men's shoes- silently, of course. 

The door to Gladrags opens again, and one Scorpius Malfoy enters. He sees Lily's perfectly styled auburn hair and turns to leave- until Albus speaks again. 

"Shouldn't you be with Emmie, Zabini?"

"I would be- but I haven't anything to wear to the Vernal and she keeps asking me when I shall."

"Oh." Albus sounds nonplussed. 

Scorpius's face darkens, and he begins to walk towards the unfortunate shelf. Lily, sensing ensuing disaster, steps in front of him. 

"Why, Scorpius Malfoy! Fancy seeing you here! Why, you are just the very man I have been needing to see. I must ask how you're doing with the tips I- oh, but of course," she laughs quietly, "I am not supposed to mention that."

"Lily," he growls, "I don't have time for this."

"No time for me? And I thought it was Potter." 

He shakes his head. "I wish I could stay and continue this enchanting conversation," he says through gritted teeth, "but I'm afraid I'm scheduled for a murder right about now."

Audible groans can be heard behind the shoe-stand. 

"Whatever for?" Lily opens her eyes wide. "My brother, for talking about his Vernal date, Irene? You don't fancy her. And poor Carter- after being rejected by Emmalei, he must take Emmie Jones to the Formal. She pales in comparison to your sister."

Scorpius frowns. "Emmie Jones? I've never heard of her."

"A Hufflepuff. My year. Terribly ill at the moment, poor thing."

Scorpius rolls his eyes at her. "Whatever, Potter. I must go and find a particular book I've been needing. Goodbye." He nods curtly to Carter and Albus, who are both looking, wide-eyed, around the edge of the shoe-stand at him. 

As he walks away, Lily softly says something about people who need books coming into a secondhand clothing store. His ears redden, but he does not turn, instead electing to exit the store, banging the door behind him. 

Lily turns to look at Carter and Albus, who immediately burst into hysterical, nervous laughter. 

"I'm sorry," they say at the same time, and continue to lean on each other, growing continually more unhinged. 

Then, suddenly, Albus turns to Lily. Carter stumbles. 

"Why the hell," Albus asks furiously, "did you tell Malfoy that? Now Carter is bloody effed."

Carter pales, but Lily only laughs. 

"Rather common, this odd sickness running around the school," she says lightly. "Perhaps Emmie will catch it, stay home, and Emmie Jones will go with you to the Formal after all."

"There's no such person," Carter says immediately. 

Lily arches an eyebrow. "Exactly."

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