Chapter Four: Put On Your Hogsmeade Clothes

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"This is ridiculous." Scorpius Malfoy scowls at Lily Potter, who is gracefully perched on a desk in the abandoned classroom on the third floor. "That girl was a right terror, and you know it." 

Lily smiles innocently, batting her lashes. "Florence was just a bit overzealous. She wanted to make a good impression on you, you know." 

"What about Sylvia, and that complete nightmare from two weeks back?" 

"Riselda Marchbanks? Nonsense. She's a delight." Lily smirks. Riselda is one of her more ingenious ideas. No fault can be found in her looks. But she is so eager to display her fluency in German that her conversation is now only half in English. 

Scorpius folds his arms. "It seems to me that you're setting me up on rubbish dates on purpose, Lily Potter." 

"What?" Lily's hazel eyes widen dramatically, and she places a hand to her heart. "Scorpius Malfoy, what did you just say with your attractive mouth?" 

Scorpius flushes angrily. "I said-" 

"My goodness!" Lily hops down from her perch on the desk to sit next to him on his bench. She snatches his hand up with her slim, capable ones. She holds his hand up close to her eyes. "Would you look at that!" 

Scorpius frowns. "What? Am I ill?" 

"Ill?" Lily laughs. "The opposite! My goodness, Malfoy, look at your lifeline! It stretches from there to there... they'll have to snuff you out!" She presses his hand dramatically to her heart. "Why, I'm shocked! Can you feel my heart beating, Malfoy?" 

"Yeah..." For a couple of seconds, Scorpius is frozen, until he remembers precisely who he is and precisely how annoying Lily Potter is. He jerks his hand away haughtily. 

"I'm good with Divination, too, you know," Lily informs him, undaunted. 

"You're an odd girl, Lily." 

She beams. "Thank you, Malfoy!" 

He fumbles with his thoughts, trying to ignore Lily, still so close to him. And then he remembers and stands. 

"Well, Lily," he says formally, "I merely wanted to inform you that I don't want your services anymore." 

Lily doesn't exactly look surprised, but she does sit a little straighter. Scorpius doesn't like that calculating look in her eyes. It usually means he is about to receive another mocking business card. She doesn't answer him, and so he continues. 

"I'm going to Hogsmeade this afternoon with Irene Zabini. She's meeting me at twelve o' clock at Madame Puddifoot's." 

"The Head Girl? My goodness, Malfoy, well done." Lily smiles, completely composed, a sparkle in her hazel eyes. Scorpius feels a sudden irrational pang at the thought that he will no longer be having invigorating arguments with this girl who is so perpetually unruffled. 

He shrugs. "She will do for me. At any rate, thank you, and here is a galleon for last week, but I no longer need your help." 

Lily nods quickly. "Of course, Malfoy. Let me know if you ever need my help again in future." 

"Well-" Scorpius fumbles with his words- " I suppose this is goodbye, but-" 

He looks up to see that Lily is already gone from her place at his side. He doesn't even hear her footsteps in the corridor. 

Wondering why he feels so hurt that she was so quick to leave, Scorpius heads to the Head Dormitory to prepare for his date with Irene Zabini. 

It is his opinion that Lily Potter can cast confundus charms without a wand. He doesn't want to think about what the other alternative might be. 

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