Chapter Fifteen: Hello, Lily

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As the next minutes pass, Scorpius finds it increasingly tedious to remain at the Gala. Nothing has gone as it should have done, and he is annoyed to find himself, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, scion of the Malfoy family and Head Boy at Hogwarts... completely alone in the middle of a party. 

Around him, everyone is laughing and smiling. Students from Hogwarts are swapping jokes with members of the Ministry. People are dancing in the spaces between the tables to the music of the orchestra. Even stupid Albus Potter, who's not supposed to have fun anywhere, is laughing and chatting merrily with the members of his party. And Irene, happy with him- even preferring him to Scorpius?

Scorpius's complete disinterest in Irene does not make that preference any less offensive. 

Yes, Scorpius is sitting at the most expensive table in the place. Yes, he's ordered the best that the menu offers. But there is no denying that he is alone and uncomfortable in a place where he should be in his element. No one is talking to him. He tries in vain to think of who would, were they present. But he can't. 

In fact, Scorpius realizes he has few friends at all. The only people who he has truly developed any kind of an informal relationship with are his parents, his sister, and... Lily Potter. 

Who he absolutely detests. Absolutely, 100% detests. Why did he think of her in the first place? He stands up to leave...

And the music stops. The lights of the magical chandeliers are dimmed. A spotlight appears on the golden steps into the Entertainment Hall. In its center stands Harry Potter. 

Scorpius cannot possibly offend this man by interrupting him with the loud CRACK of Apparition. So he begrudgingly sits back down. 

"Welcome to the annual Orphans' Benefit Gala!" Mr. Potter says warmly. There is a round of appreciative applause; after all, this man is Harry Potter. Not to applaud is, essentially, treason. 

"I cannot express how happy I am to see how many of you have purchased tickets for this evening," Harry Potter continues. "The organizer of this year's Gala, however, was not myself but my lovely daughter, Lily, who will be overseeing and explaining the remainder of the evening to you."

The orchestra launches into a dazzling symphony, and the circle of light moves from Harry to a figure- when did she get there? Suddenly Scorpius cannot breathe. He cannot even hear the applause. 

At the top of the stairs stands a girl in a shimmering golden dress that sparkles in the spotlight. Lily's hair is swept into a dazzling updo, auburn curls coming down to frame her face. In her ears are glinting diamond earrings. But Scorpius's attention is focused purely on her eyes. He has never realized before exactly how beautiful they are. 

Then those eyes look in his direction and he ducks his head, blushing as though he were four years old. 

"Hello," Lily says brightly. She sweeps gracefully down the steps, the orchestra still playing. She is unabashedly enjoying this moment of attention. "I am so glad to have been able to assist in this wonderful event. I hope you have all enjoyed the socialization portion of the evening. Rest assured, you'll all be able to continue talking, but I am pleased to announce that in thirty minutes my father, the honorable Minister for Magic, Hermione Granger, and Headmistress McGonagall will all be judging a formal dance competition. It costs a galleon to enter, but the winners will receive twenty-five galleons in prize money- and the remainder will be donated to the Orphans' Fund along with banquet and ticket sales. Feel free to sign up at the podium just here. I shall see you all in thirty minutes! Please, continue to enjoy your time at the Gala." 

With that, Miss Lily Potter turns and begins walking up a set of side steps onto the second balcony- and in Scorpius's direction. 

He can't risk her seeing him. He stands once more and starts walking very quickly down the steps. He holds an arm up to shield his face. He thinks he has made it when suddenly he feels a little hand on his arm. 

"Why, as I live and breathe," Lily says, laughing. Her hazel eyes are still shining, though not from a spotlight. "Scorpius Malfoy." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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