Chapter Nine: "Ernestina"

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I know it has been a long time since I updated last. I'm terribly sorry. Hopefully, this makes up for it!

It does not take Lily long to rally her courage and continue her ruthless pursuit. 

Well- it takes all of the winter hols, but really, sometimes plans need time to stew before they can come to fruition. Like a potion- or Albus when he is taking an examination. 

It is over the hols, after a couple of afternoons spent huddled in her small, gingham-curtained childhood bedroom with Rosie, that Lily finally develops a plan she believes is foolproof. And a good thing, too- with the Vernal Formal only three months away, she needs to step up her efforts. She will stop at nothing to triumph. 

Which is why, the day she returns to Hogwarts, Lily sets off in hot pursuit after Scorpius Malfoy, whose platinum-blonde head is easily discernible in a crowd. Lily does not notice Evan Levi, alone now, watching her as she rushes past. As she is not aware of his presence, Lily does not wonder at this phenomenon. However, Evan does. It seems that Lily has elected to carry on- to leave his memory where it belongs. 

"Scorpius!" Lily calls as she nears him. She is hardly panting- after all, why develop a perfectly good exercise regimen if not to use it on yourself? 

He turns. 

His profile really is so noble, and his eyes are eerily piercing. However, Lily is a woman of action, not to be deterred by a silly thing like looks. 

"What is it you want, Potter?" His tone is very nearly hopeful- but not quite. It is still stiff, formal- and oddly enough, Lily does not catch an inkling of the longing in his grey eyes. 

"Scorpius, I know I have failed you before as a matchmaker-"

"That is one way of saying it," Scorpius mutters, turning away. He tries to ignore the sick feeling in his stomach. Of course Lily would only be looking to extract more money from him. 

"- and I know that you are afraid to trust me again. But here I am, walking steadfastly and confidently beside you-"

Scorpius turns to look back at her. There is an odd expression on his face. 

"- to prove to you that I really can be what you need me to be! You cannot go to the Vernal alone, Head Boy."

"What would you suggest?" Scorpius is smiling now, a little twisted smile. Lily's heart gives a little wrench at the sight of it. But she plows on. 

"I have the perfect girl."

Scorpius frowns. "I'm not interested."

"She's beautiful, intelligent, elegant-"

"I'm still not interested." Then Scorpius sighs. "What's her name, Potter? I can see that I shan't be getting out of this."

"Simple." Lily's response is prompt. "Her name is Ernestina Simple. She's perfectly lovely, a Slytherin just like you, and in your year as well! The height of charm."

"What else is she, a champion knitter?" 

"With knitting needles of gold." Lily smiles brightly. "One more chance, Scorp, please. Let me prove how worthwhile my patronage is. One date with her next month, and I promise you shall never be the same."

"Next month? Why must I wait a month to meet this girl? Why have I never seen her in class?" Scorpius narrows his eyes at Lily suspiciously, but as always, her response is prompt. Sometimes he believes she must practice them in front of a mirror. 

"Ernestina is new, and a bit shy. She needs time to adjust to Hogwarts life, and you need time to prepare to properly greet her. I believe you might find this-" Lily hands a business card to Scorpius nonchalantly- "- useful."

Scorpius looks at the card. He laughs, and Lily thinks it may just be the nicest laugh she has ever had the privilege of hearing. 

Lily  Luna Potter, esq. 

Malfoy Men taught how to-


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