Chapter Seven: Rainy Parades

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Explanation for the above video link is below this chapter. But check it out; it is me!

And with that, L'Academie de Dansant avec Lily Potter is born. Withing minutes Lily has decided that training students to dance is really more of a schoolwide thing- imagine the possibilities! The money! Using some of her already considerably large fortune, Lily promptly rents out the floorspace at Madam Puddifoot's for the next Hogsmeade weekend, which is in exactly a month, and then begins to do promotion. 

She has found, through considerable experience, that the best way to promote a service or a product is not through advertisements or by talking about it herself. So she is careful only to mention it in passing to students she has already identified as desperate for dates to the Formal. Soon enough the news has spread like wildfire around the school and students are anxiously awaiting Lily's lessons. A month seems ages away. 

Meanwhile, Lily's efforts to get Scorpius Malfoy to notice her are failing decidedly. She realizes, with a slight sinking feeling, that for the first time in her life she may have underestimated an aspect of a project. She has not anticipated how Scorpius's pride and initial aversion to her will enable him to refrain from speaking to her, or even glancing at her in the corridors (although she does have several occasions to smirk when sitting in the library studying and noticing Scorpius sitting at a table directly across from hers). 

She has also noticed that Emmie seems to have once again defected to her brother instead of remaining with Carter. This is no insurmountable challenge; one appeal to the girl's pride and she will be back with the Zabini boy in an instant. 

As for Albus and Irene- Lily is fairly confident that they would be a couple by now if it wasn't for Albus's ridiculous shyness. 

Soon enough, the fateful day arrives, and Lily finds herself surrounded by so many couples that she has to divide the group into two and carry out two sessions. 

So much the better. She is almost positive that she could now, if she so wished it, buy herself a spacious and luxurious villa on the French coast and not have to pay even a speck of mortgage. 

She doesn't wish it, however. Lily has no real use for money besides attempting to make more of it. She decides she will save half of this for future education, whatever type she might need, and then she will donate the rest of it to the Magical Youth in Need Fund which her father has established after the second Wizarding War. 

The first session goes swimmingly. As she has expected, one nudge from her and Emmie agrees to go with Carter. Within a couple minutes of tutelage, most of the students in attendance have found dance partners and have learned the basic steps to a waltz. Some of them have advanced farther, and are incorporating improvised moves into their routines. Lily is almost certain Albus and Irene have practiced privately, from the beautiful manner in which they are dancing. She is glad of that. If Albus had turned out to be as terrible at dancing as he had at first advertised himself to be, it might have taken some of the romance from his relationship with Irene, who Lily knows fancies the handsome Prince Charming type. 

The session lasts two hours. By the end of it, Lily is positively glowing to herself. She is doing perfectly, and so are the students. They have all had a brilliant time of it, aside from a few completely socially irredeemable girls. But Lily has salvaged even their experiences, asking handsome older boys who have mastered their techniques to assist girls standing off to the side. She even believes shy Emma Thompson and Gryffindor Quidditch Captain Mitchell Wood might make a match of it. That would be the crowning match of her matchmaking experience- until she manages to snag Scorpius Malfoy, that is. 

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