The kidnap

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"Alexis don't stay out to late" my mom yelled as I slammed the door shut. If I knew what time I'd be back I'd tell her but I couldn't since my friends like to surprise me because and I quote 'I do not show the emotion very often'

"Alexis over here" killer said. Real name Craig the only reason he wants to be called killer. I turned to him with annoyance. Secrecy is something I'm good at but I hated it when I was out of the loop.

"You guys do know that I'm not going to be surprised right?" I asked a little of matter of factly. But truth be told I was always scared shitless when they dragged me away. The unknown is another thing I hate.

"At least let us try" he pleaded and I really couldn't say no without admitting how scared I was which is a thing I'd never tell anyone. Groaning I let him drag me by the arm to the 'VAN' it's the car they always use when wanting to scared me and yes it did help them a lot but I didn't show it on my face. The van only have a windshield and the two windows up front none in the back. In the back where they always kept me it was extremely dark and when I did have time and light to examine inside of it you see blood stains in it and no seats and lets not forget about the place there is to shackle someone up which they did to me always they say it adds to the affect. But being in the back of a van with no windows that had signs that the pervious owners chained and killed or hurt someone in here was affect enough for me. But as always I didn't show my fear I just bit my bottom lip and sucked it up. Killer frowned he was hoping -even though I gone through this at least twelve times- that I would be scared. He pushed me into the back and chained me. I shivered when he showed the shackles but he didn't notice. After I was secured in the back he hoped into the drivers seat. Another thing they learned to freak me out is to make sure there is only one person with me that I know and that he or she doesn't talk to me. Turning the car on I felt the car hit the dirt road which my family and I call a drive way and then the ride smoothed out as we hit paved roads. The shackles were biting into my wrists and I wanted to kill killer for it. Really he didn't have to put them on so tight but it was yet another thing they thought brought affect to the whole thing. As we drove further I completely lost track of what road we were on and decided after tonight I'm calling off all bets about trying to scare or surprise me. Then as the ride progressed and we still didn't come to a stop I decided to doze. Which didn't last long. As soon as I hit a light sleep the brakes on the car were slammed down and I flew forward. Then flew backwards as the chains only let me go so far.

"Guys?" I heard Killer squeak in fright. Which was new normally they acted all cocky and stuck up but Killer's voice sounded like genuine fear.

"What's wrong?" I asked. But before he had the time to answer I heard him squeak and then a loud thud rang threw the van like there was no tomorrow. Truly now I was afraid.

"You guys win, let me out!" I scream and I wish I hadn't as soon as I did. The van door swung open and there stood three huge and disgusting looking men. I could smell them from where I was shackle and I pressed my back into the van wall hoping against hope that my shackles would fly off and the van wall would disappear. All three guys laughed.

"Look like our job was done for us" the guy in the middle said. He smelled the worst and when he talked I realized his teeth were a sickening yellow color and a few of them weren't even there, he was big from muscles and his nose matched his body, while his hair didn't fit as well in as it was perfectly combed and there was lots of it.

"Let's just get her to the boss" The guy on the left said. He tried to act menacing but it didn't work out well for him seeing as he was extremely short and really didn't look like a bad guy, but looks can fool you.

"Why would he want her anyways?" the last guy asked. Looking me up and down. He look more normal than the others. Sure he had muscle but they weren't as big as the guy in the middle and his teeth were all there and he actually looked human his only fault was that he was balding. "Normally we don't go to such an effort to find people to test on" he continued.

The shortest guy glared at him and elbowed him in the stomach. "Your saying to much" he growled.

I was shaking nervously and with anticipation wanting to know what would happen next, what they were going to test on me and to know if this was all a big set up or not.

"Who's sitting in back with her?" The small guy asked making it obvious that he didn't want to.

"I will" The smelliest one had to say. Also the biggest guy. I felt like I was going to puked as he hoped in back with me and gave me a wink. The other to got in front the short one driving. When we were off the guy decided we weren't close enough and got closer rising his hand on my thigh.

"Don't touch her or the boss is going to kill you" the almost normal guy said with venom.

"He wouldn't know" He protested.

"He'd know your stink the moment he has me" I had to retort and then I winced as he brought his hand up getting it ready to strike me in the face.

"You can't hit her either don't you remember what he said?" the short one asked.

The guy looked deep in thought then he looked at me. He pulled his hand away immediately and then started grumbling to himself.

It felt like hours in the car and I was about ready to puke from the stench when the car stopped. The boys all ran out of the van.

"Do you have her?" a deep male voice asked.

"I still don't get why.." but he was cut off by the new guy.

"One you don't question me two your job isn't to get what's going on it's to deal with the bronze and let the brains do all the thinking" the guy growled with venom.

"Yes sir we know sir" they all yelled franticly in union. Then after torturing me by making me listen to their conversation the new guy popped his head in. He had sharp features and a long nose. His eyes were black in the light and he was tall and skinny.

"Hello the name's James" He then got into the van and unshackled me. Pulling me outside hastily. Making me bump into the smelliest guy head first and as soon as I pulled away I puked. The smell was so bad that it stayed in my nose and I passed out. In the early form of passing out I hear them speaking.

"You idiots should have washed" James said disgustedly.

"Sorry boss" then everything was black and I was in my own little world.

If only I could stay there.

Kidnapped then rescued, Now they want me to be a spy.Where stories live. Discover now