Chapter 21: Not Alone

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Sorry I didn't update in a while again, honestly I don't have any sort of excuse, I suppose I've just been a bit busy.

Rose's Pov

I woke up with a bunch of hair on my face, which I noticed was wet with drool.

"Gross..." I groaned to myself as I yawned and sat up, I was in a sleeping bag on the floor, I quickly looked around and saw Astoria sleeping on my bed and Joy sleeping peacefully on the rug... even though we gave her a guest bed to sleep on she decided to stay in here with us, I rubbed my eyes a bit as I thought about last night, I fell asleep while Astoria and Joy were talking and then later I woke up to them talking again when the sun barely started lighting up the sky and I fell asleep again. I quickly glanced over at the time and my eyes widened in shock.

"ASTORIA! JOY! WAKE UP! WE'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I yelled, standing up and getting dressed in a matter of seconds.

"OH MY GRADE! WE'RE SO INCREDIBLY LATE!!" Astoria practically screamed as she struggled to change, I abruptly remembered my gross hair and panicked as there wasn't enough time for a shower so I quickly put it up into a messy bun, a very messy bun. I quickly looked over at Joy who threw on her little frog bag.

"WOW! Joy that was quick!" I exclaimed, Joy seemed a bit panicked but she shot me a small smile.

"Yeah, I tend to sleep in a lot so I get dressed quickly, I'm really sorry for sleeping in Astoria," Joy said.

"We're talking about this later!" Astoria shouted as she neatly tied the bow around her hair and slid her shoes on.

"We gotta GO!" I exclaimed as I looked towards the door out of my room and then at my balcony.

"Screw the stairs, I'm jumping off the balcony, it's quicker!" Astoria shouted, I couldn't help but feel relieved at her desperateness to be quick, she made a vine to slide down safely with her magic and we quickly slid down.

"Rose! Quick! Make a vehicle!" Joy said, I did as she said and we sped over to school... we were 20 minutes late to the first class... Poetry and Literature, taught by Magister Rapunzel.

"I can't believe we're late! I can't believe I'M late!" Astoria panicked as we began running up to the door.

"Well I mean, at least we weren't late for one of SnowWhite's lessons!" I said.

"You can say that again," Joy said.

We quickly ran in, with me practically slamming the doors open... And everyone looked at us... oops... we made a scene.

"Sorry, grandpa! We stayed up late reviewing our schoolwork," Joy said, Astoria and I exchanged a quick puzzled look... Did Joy just... make up an excuse? or even more surprisingly... lie?!

"Ah, well, take a seat," Doctor LeFrog said, honestly when it comes to Joy he's extremely passive, which, is lucky for us.

Well... Class ended after around 10 minutes, Doctor LeFrog had Astoria and I sit and wait a while he talked to Joy and when she came out she had a bit of a nervous expression on her face.

"Hey Joy, how did it go? Is he... Going to tell my grandmother or... any of the other teachers for that matter?" I asked nervously.

"Well, there was a test today that we missed so he said since we were up late studying we should be able to retake the test after school and if we do well it won't affect our grades negatively.

"Oh thank goodness!" Astoria exclaimed, sighing of relief.

"But since we didn't actually study last night we're going to have to do so now." Joy said.

"Not a problem! Future headmistress Astoria is here for assistance!" Astoria exclaimed, looking, and sounding, rather proud.

"Well let's start studying, then!" I exclaimed excitedly, things seemed to be going alright, and as long as we keep smiling, everything will be fine...

everything will be all totally fine.

We studied for quite a while, at least, until the next class started, which was now one of Professor Snow White's class, magic items and powers class I guess, we were learning about controlling our magic and cool stuff we can do with it, and I couldn't help but notice how quick Petal was catching on with her magic, I couldn't help but be put in wonder at how quickly she managed to control it, after class ended I quickly ran over to her without restraint.

"Petal!!" I exclaimed excitedly, she looked over me with a bit of a surprised expression which quickly switched to a warm smile.

"Hey Rose, what's up?" She asked.

"Ehhhh... Things have been a bit weird lately, but you're mastering your magic really quickly! I mean, I think so, you just got your wand a month ago, right?" I asked, Petal nodded.

"That's right, I haven't really gotten much practice but it's really cool that I finally got my own wand!" Petal exclaimed when suddenly her facial expression changed to that of curiosity.

"But wait... What do you mean things have been a bit weird lately?" Petal asked.

"Oh... Erm... Well... You heard about Hawk and Shasha's... situation, right?" I asked.

"Wait... you mean the arranged marriage rumor?" Petal questioned, I nodded.

"Yeah, it's most definitely not a rumor... Though... um-can you keep a secret?" I asked and Petal nodded.

"Of course," Petal replied.

"Well... My friends and I are trying to prevent the marriage... so... we'd like people to continue to believe it's a rumor so we can hopefully prove the rumor wrong..." I said, Petal paused a moment.

"Oh, well, your secret is safe with me, but, quick question, why exactly are you trusting me with this? I mean... It's not like you've known me anywhere as near as long as the rest of your team" Petal said.

"Huh... I guess I should be a bit more cautious... But, I guess I've just found you trustworthy, and I guess in a way I already consider you one of my friends," I said with a bright smile.

"Well, I guess I consider you one of my friends too," Petal said with a bit of a giggle.

"So... Would you say you're close with Gerald?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, we're really close..." Petal said as she looked down, seeming a bit sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked and Petal paused a moment.

"I... well... Gerald confessed to Odette, he's had a crush on her for a while and well... it didn't turn out the way he hoped so he's been bummed..." Petal explained.

"Oh... Well... My friend Joy is pretty close with him so... maybe... She could try to comfort him?" I questioned, Petal shrugged a bit.

"Honestly he just needs someone to let him know he's not alone, so that would probably be good..." Petal said

"Yeah, Operation Cheer-Up-Gerald begins, today!" I exclaimed, a bit too loudly, but, luckily at the time most of the students had left the room, Petal smiled at me warmly and we both began giggling.

"We should work on the name a bit," Petal said with a chuckle.

(A/N) I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

I can't really make any promises for updating but I'm pretty sure I'll always update at least once a week, but I'm also pretty sure that this story will end in 4-9 chapters since the plot is already written out, thanks for reading!

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