Chapter 29: Fate Can Be Cruel

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Rose's Pov

I took deep breaths, attempting to calm my heart which was currently pounding to the point where it felt like I was about to burst. Soon I was going to crash a wedding, which, admittedly sounds kind of awesome. However, I'm crashing the wedding of my cru-friend so that's less awesome.

"Do I like... Need to bring anything?" I asked Troy. He gave me a weird look.

"No?" He replied, though, he seems unsure...

"Alright, let's do this!" I exclaimed as I hopped up from the floor, stumbling a bit and almost falling over. Troy chuckled a bit, and moments later Ellanore began walking down in a gorgeous wedding dress.

"Whoa..." Troy said as he stared at her in surprise, Ellanore looked over at us and immediately blushed.

"This is so hard to walk in..." Ellanore said as she finished coming down the stairs, I glanced over at Troy who was staring at her in awe... I swear if he's crushing on her now... I pinched him to get him to snap out of it, which he did and immediately blushed.

"Well... Good luck to both of you, I hope whatever plan you decided on works," Ellanore said with a slight bow and a bit of a sad smile. She then walked outside and was taken away by a carriage. After she had left I looked over at Troy with a curious expression.

"Um... Troy...?" I began.

"I swear I'm not into her! I was just surprised! I've never really seen her around the school, to be honest, and I wasn't expecting her to look so pretty! er... um.... but... It's not like that! Stop thinking whatever you're thinking!" Troy rambled and I ended up bursting out laughing.

"Don't worry about it! I honestly don't really care about your interests! But I mean, if you are interested, she's really considerate," I said.

"No, stahp, I like someone elseee!" Troy said.

"Oh? Who?" I asked.

"I'll tell you after we crash this wedding," Troy said.

"Oh, yeah, I guess we should get going," I replied as I began to walk towards the door, Troy joined me and we began our trip to wherever they were getting married... Actually...

"I actually have no idea where we're going..." I said to Troy.

"Don't worry, I was invited so I have a ride," He said.

"Alrighty then, let's go," I said.

-Later~At the wedding

Troy and I went over to a door and began to listen in.

"When should we barge in? and what should we say? because well, I did some research and it's actually not legal to object because you love one of them... heh... ah..." I said nervously.

"That's what I was trying to tell me when you first brought up confessing..." Troy said with a bit of a sigh, and I started at him a moment before mumbling an 'oh'

"Though there are a few problems with this marriage, it's a forced marriage, there's no real reason for it other than the fact that their grandmothers want to play matchmaker and want to marry royalty and they happen to chose each other's families because of personal family competitions that are completely selfish," Troy said, I looked at him in amazement, I might even begin to cry.

"Troy... You actually put in effort!" I said happily, he paused and gave me a bit of an awkward smile.

"I mean... I wouldn't want you to be heartbroken..." He said, I looked at him with admiration, I always get so surprised when he shows that he cares, as most of the time we just joke with each other and it's never anything serious so with moments like this, it really means a lot. 

"The vows are about to be made," Troy said, sudden panic became evident in his voice.

"Let's do this!" I squeaked, I guess I didn't realize how anxious I was about this. Troy and I slammed the doors open, and everyone looked at us... and we froze. I froze due to the fact that I was crashing a wedding of someone who I cherished very much, and Troy, got a sort of stage fright.

"What are you doing here!?" Professor SnowWhite exclaimed, seeming awfully annoyed at my presence, I suddenly snapped out of my daze and glared directly at her.

"I came to object to this wedding," I said as loud and clear as I could manage, as I was feeling a bit queasy. 

"And why would you do that?" She said with fury shone in her tone of voice.

"Well, a number of reasons, really, for one, this marriage is very selfish of both you and Ellanore's grandmother, so, I have a question, did you even talk about this to their parents?" I said as confidence started overwhelming me once again.

"Of cour-..." She began, seeming as though I had asked a stupid question, but she stopped herself, making the answer obvious.

"And continuing with that reason, don't you think they should be trying to focus on their education instead of fretting about what their grandparents will do to make their lives difficult? Honestly, if I was forced into a marriage because of my grandmother I'd never respect her," I said. Troy suddenly snapped out of it and looked straight at me with wide eyes.

"Bad idea!" He whispered, I paused in confusion before I realized what I had suggested... I basically just said I didn't respect her, I mean, that's true but uh... CRAP.

"...I suppose... You... have a point..." SnowWhite said hesitantly. Troy and I looked at her with a bit of shock, that was not one of the answers I was expecting.

"So what are you going to do? Are you going to ignore these supposed 'points' or will you think it over and consider canceling the wedding?" Troy said.

"I'll think about it... But for now, the wedding will only be put off," SnowWhite said.

"OH FOR GOODNESS SAKE WOMAN! WHY are you always SO INCREDIBLY STUBBORN! Hawk and Ellanore BOTH like someone else! And yet you put them together because of SOME BET or SOMETHING and that gives you the right to control every little thing in someone's life?! I DON'T THINK SO!  So just get a grip and realize the situation we're in and recognize how incredibly STUPID YOU'RE BEING!" Troy said, raising his voice so that was the only thing you'd hear throughout the whole room.

"Not to mention because of you... some people very important to me have gone through pain they should never experience, especially as TEENAGERS!" Troy finished.

SnowWhite looked at everything around her and looked a bit, well, humiliated, there was a small part of me that wanted to celebrate, however... something seemed off about this.

"You're both suspended." She said after a long pause.

You've got to be kidding me.

(A/N) Helloooooo~! I've finally updated, are you proud of me? lol, probably not, but either way I've figured out where this story is going and there will be only one more chapter! Gah I'm hyped to get this over with, then I can try working on my other stories, speaking of which, I have an idea for an original story that's actually thought out, to be honest, I started making it as a sort of joke manga for my OC Petal to be obsessed with but then the story of the "manga" ended up getting my creative drive running, and so I updated today as well as got a good story concept going~!

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