Chapter 25: Opportunities (Pt: 2/2)

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So, this is a major time skip to Troy and ShaSha's date which is after school.

ShaSha's Pov

Another slow day... I looked over at the time and realized Gwen and Gardenia would be coming to sneak me out in less than 20 minutes I quickly grabbed my outfit and got dressed when I heard a rock thrown out the window, I quickly slid in my boots and walked over and unlocked the latch.

"Watch ouuut!" Gwen shouted as she shot the grappling hook... Why does she even have one... I suddenly yelped as it almost hit my head and landed on the floor, I paused a moment before I secured it so they could climb up before I leaned over the windowsill

"Wouldn't it be more efficient if I threw down the rope ladder!?" I shouted.

"Yeah but you gotta admit, this is cooler!" Gwen shouted in response, and well yeah, a grappling hook is pretty cool. After around a minute or so both Gwen and Gardenia were in my room.

"So, Troy is waiting for us at the park, are you ready?" Gardenia asked, I nodded my head in response.

"Yeah, I think so," I said.

"Right, Let's go."


Gwen and Gardenia had brought me to the park and left me after they pointed at Troy.

"Hey, wai-they... already left" I groaned to myself and tugged at my jacket sleeves and began walking over to him and waved awkwardly, "Um, hi," I greeted.

"Hey, ShaSha," Troy said, we stood there a moment, awkward silence filling the air.

"Uhm, So, what should we do...?" I asked slowly.

"Erm... Maybe we should just, walk around? Or something?" Troy replied, I nodded slowly and we just started walking, once again I didn't know what to say and neither did Troy judging by the fact that he didn't say anything and he seemed to fidget uncomfortably... Unless... He just doesn't want to be and um-yeah no matter what this is awkward. After a long, and I mean long 45 minutes it started sprinkling, and in less than a minute it started pouring, I get the feeling Gwen and Gardenia didn't think this through.

"We need to find cover," Troy said, I looked over at him and blinked, the rain made it difficult to hear.

"What?!" I yelled over the rain, Troy just rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist.

"I said we need to find cover!" He shouted back as he tugged my arm and began running, I tried keeping up with him but I'm a bit out of shape since I haven't been doing much this week, he seemed to know where we were going because very soon we were under a gazebo, we sat down and I couldn't help but shiver.

"Well this was a fail," Troy said, I awkwardly laughed as I looked at him.

"Yeah... pretty awkward overall..." I practically mumbled, he looked over at me and we made eye contact and he smiled... He has a really nice smile, it's kind of attractive- I mean... He has a nice smile.

"Yeah sorry, it's just um... I don't really know you that well-I mean, I want to know you but I just, I'd rather not say something dumb that makes you hate me and um... Yeah, I'm just awkward," Troy said. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Me too, Gwen and Gardenia just tried setting everything up so I kinda got all flustered because of how much they hyped this whole thing up," I said.

"Yeah... Same..." Troy said. There was a pleasant silence for a while before Troy spoke up.

"So, how's the whole situation with the arranged marriage going?" He asked, feeling hesitant.

"It's... Interesting, My grandmother has been really mad at Hawk and me for skipping school but she's too busy with work to deal with us for now... But I'm sure tomorrow that..." I trailed off. Tomorrow we'll get a lecture, and not like the usual ones but worse, a lot worse, and I'm worried that Hawk will get the majority of Prof Snow White's fury.

"I see... Well, I wish you good luck," Troy said, smiling at me sadly, I returned the smile and hesitated before I figured I'd change the subject before we get too sad and sappy.

"So, since we're stuck in the freezing rain, why don't we get to know each other a bit? Like, interests, hobbies, etc." I said and he nodded and smiled.

"Sounds good, then, tell me about yourself," He said.

"Uh, what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Hobbies," He replied.

"Erm, Well I like reading a bit, horse-back riding is fun..." I paused as I thought a moment "I always have fun painting but it always turns into this weird sort of blob thing that looks like it's going to eat your soul," I said, and I got a chuckle out of that which immediately made me smile and blush slightly, In embarrassment, of course, my paintings are ugly. "I would say you should see them so you could see how true my statement is, but they're so awful I'd be too ashamed to show anyone," I got a full out laugh this time.

"No, I'm sure it's bad, but nothing is worse than my art, everything I draw, much less paint, looks like a demented potato," Now it was my turn to laugh.

"I don't see how that's much worse," I said with a chuckle.

From then on we talked easily for quite a while and our clothes dried a bit, granted I'd be freezing right now but I was having too much fun to even care. But after a while we noticed a couple people walking up with umbrellas, they glanced over at us and one of them had a glint of recognition in their eye, I hesitated for a moment, glancing over at Troy who's eyes widened at the sight of her.

"Thalia?" He asked and her face brightened as she walked up to the gazebo and closed her umbrella.

"The one and only. Wow, I never thought I'd see you here, especially in this weather," She said with a chuckle and looked at me and smiled.

"Um, Hi," I greeted.

"Hi! You're... Hawk's sister, right?" She asked, I nodded in response.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I asked.

"Hm, I suppose it's sort of a long story but pretty much I'm Travis's sister so I pretty much know what he knows," Thalia said.

"I suppose that makes sense if you're close," I said, suddenly she looked at both of us and her eyes widened.

"Wait-are you two dating?" Thalia suddenly blurted, I sneezed.

"Bless you," All three of them said in unison, I hesitated a moment "Thanks... and um... No, we're not dating but we are on a date," I said, Thalia gave us a suspicious look.

"Sounds like you're dating," Thalia said, I sighed.

"This is our first date and honestly I wouldn't say someone's 'dating' until after the third date so no, we're not," I replied, Thalia nodded.

"Ah, Well okay fine, but I gotta admit, you're pretty cute together," Thalia said, I blushed a bit and rolled my eyes.

"Hah, right, anyway, who's he?" I asked as I gestured over to the boy with Thalia.

"Oh, Right, I forgot to introduce him, this is Shay Rapunzel, he's Astoria's cousin and a good friend of mine," Thalia explained briefly. 

"Ah, Nice to meet you," I said. After a few minutes, the rain died down and I quickly checked the time.

"Um, sorry but I gotta go!" I exclaimed.

"Wait one second, I-" I never got to hear what Troy was going to say because I ran away too quick, I'll have to apologize later, but if I don't get back home soon I'll get in serious trouble especially since I didn't tell Hawk about the date so he wouldn't be able to cover for me.

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