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"I can't believe we did that in a bathroom." Draco whispers over the dinner table.

"Do you regret it?" I bite my lip gnaw on it.

"Never. It was amazing." Draco smiles softly.

"I didn't go too rough on you?" I question.

"Nope." Draco plucks up his fork and shovels food into his mouth. "I loved the way you took control over me mommy. I liked it a lot."

I bite my lip. "I want you to know something." I straighten the nonexistent wrinkles on my blouse.

"And what's that?" Draco asks me calmly.

"This relationship isn't just about sex Draco." I reply, swallowing hard and eyeing his reaction. "So if that's what you're looking for—just sex— then I suggest you don't see me anymore. I'm more into committed relationships with developed feelings." I continue.

Draco smiles softly. "I'm always with committed relationships, with cuddling, kissing, holding hands, communication, and yes, sex."

         Just then, Carly and the manager (who is the guy who liked to look at my boobs) come into view from around the corner. I glare heatedly at them both and Carly blushes like mad and Alexander looks ashamed of himself. Then step up to the table, looking at us both before speaking.

"How may we be of service?" Asks Alexander, the manager.

"This bitch spat in my food." I narrow my eyes.

Alexander turns to Carly, looking amazed. "You did what?" Alexander asks.

"I spit on her crab legs because she's such a bitch and won't let me flirt with her friend." Carly says.

"Actually, we're dating, and he's not into you. Sorry." I snap.

Carly narrows her eyes at me. "I know what you two sickos did in the bathroom not too long before your food came out!"

"And what was that?" Draco asks, becoming riled up as well.

"Those two fucked in the girls restroom!" Carly says. "And I bet they only did it to spite me!" Carly isn't digging a hole for us, but digging a deeper hole for herself.

"We did not fuck. We only did naughty things that we couldn't do in public." I snap.

"See? They aren't denying it!" Carly exclaims.

"This isn't about our relationship Carly. This is about the fact that you spat in my girlfriends food!" Draco exclaims.

Carly goes back to blushing and looks away. "Carly, you're put on dish duty for the rest of the year." Alexander says. "And their meal is free."

"Thank you." I huff in satisfaction at Carly's fallen face. "And bitch, you won't be getting a tip."

"Yes ma'am." She responds before turning away and walking into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry about that. We will remake your food and send it out to you." Alexander then again looks apologetic as he glances back down to my breasts.

"Quit. Looking. At. My. Breasts." I snarl.

"Are you looking at her breasts again?" Draco asks, becoming agitated.

"Yes sir." Alexander swallows loudly.

"You're lucky if I'm a gentleman and won't hit you in front of my woman." Draco grits his teeth.

"Yes sir." Alexander bows his head and walks off, telling other people to get our order out as fast as possible.

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