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               It struck noon before I actually left our playroom, giving Draco pleasure and him giving me pleasure and a little in between. I smile, completely spent as Draco shuffles behind me, his arse a hot pink and his head held high. I sit down at the bar stool at the Island in the kitchen and look around the room. Claire and Dean were gone. They went to the movies around 11:00 so we have plenty of time to do whatever we wish to do. Draco steps up behind me and places his strong hands on my shoulders. He rubs soft circles, kneading my shoulders.

"Would you like some lunch?" Draco asks me casually.

"Yes please." I respond placing my hand on my stomach and rubbing circles on my grumbling belly.

"What would you like?"

"Hm." I take a moment to think. "Why don't you surprise me. You seem to like cooking so why not let you take control of the kitchen."

          Draco smiles at me, turning around to look through our fridge. His bum looks pink and red. I giggle slightly at the word mommy printed on his bum. Draco pulls things out to make what I assume is potato soup. I straighten my back giddily. I love potato soup! I take my wand and conjure a pair of sweatpants to give to Draco so he's not walking around the house naked. Draco blushes slightly before slipping his pants on over his legs.

"Thank you." He mumbles sheepishly.

"No problem." I reply with a small smile.

There was a long pause.

"I want to use ropes on you." I blurted.

Draco's eyes lifted from what he was doing before letting them fall back to his hands.

Draco's pov

            Suspension? Ropes? She wants to really get the ball rolling now doesn't she? I feel anticipation rising from the pit of my stomach and my heart pumping furiously.

"Permission to speak mistress?" I ask.

"Permission granted." Hermione replies.

"Where would we be doing it?" I question.

"I have a place I go to for fetishes and more intense things." she says.

"When can we go?" I look up at her caramel gaze.

"Today if you'd like. Claire and Dean could do a foursome with us." Hermione replies.

I stiffen slightly. "I don't know.." I trail off, looking down demurely.

"Hey." Hermione was standing in front of me now. "Look at me."

I lift my eyes to her amber colored ones and I see affection.

"Don't feel afraid to tell me how you really feel. If you don't like the idea of a foursome, then tell me. That's how we gain trust." Hermione whispers.

"Yes mistress." I reply. "I just don't like the idea of anyone touching you, man or woman. I want you to myself, no matter how selfish that may sound."

She smiles at me. "I am yours, only yours. You are mine, and only mine." She whispers, leaning up to press her lips to mine in a small peck. "Do you want lotion or baby oil for your bum?" She asks me gently, running her hands down to splay open palmed against my backside.

I close my eyes and smile. "Yes please."

Hermione grabs her wand and summons a jar of coconut oil. "Bend over baby." She whispers to me.

             I slowly bend over the counter, my stomach resting on the cool faux granite.


I take a dabble of coconut oil on my finger tips and lather them together to warm it up before gently applying it on Draco's bum. He lets out of a breath he's apparently been holding for quite some time before relaxing completely.

"You know, sooner or later I'm going to have to have you fill out a limits list." I mumble absently while focusing on his bum.

"What's that?" He asks softly, enjoying the feeling of my hands on his bum.

"It's where you rate something from 0-5 on what you'd be comfortable with and what you're not comfortable with. 0 meaning you won't try it, 5 being you are eager to try it or comfortable with it." I explain.

"Oh. Okay." Draco replies.

"I just need to order one and get it by tomorrow." I reply. "Alright, all done." I say after applying a generous second coat.

He straightens and pulls his sweats back over his hips. "Thanks." He says again.

"Anytime." I respond with a smile. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" I ask him.

"Yeah, sure. What do you wanna watch?" He asks me.

"Hm." I think for a moment. "What about Romeo and Juliet?" I ask.

He scrunches up his nose. "No thanks."

"Okay." I shrug. "Of Mice and Men?"

Draco smiles and nods his head in agreement. "That sounds nice."

"Okay. I'll go ahead and get the movie in. Why don't you start on lunch?" I ask him.

He smiles. "Of course." He replies. "Potato soup okay?"

"Yep!" I reply enthusiastically.

          I walk back to the living room and look for Of Mice and Men before popping it in the DVD player. I sit down on the couch and wait for Draco to come back with two bowls of soup with four blend cheese and chives on top. He sets them down in front of us before settling down on the couch. When the movie starts and our soups cool down enough for us to eat I mix in my cheese and chives before taking a spoonful and popping it in my mouth.

"Mm!" I moan at how good this tastes.

"You like it?" Draco smirks.

I nod my head really fast. "It's great!" I almost yell.

"I'm glad." Draco tells me.

          When we finish our soup we sit back on the couch and watch the movie unfold. After a while Draco takes a throw pillow and lays it over his lap before motioning for me to lay down. Once my head hits the pillows, Draco buries his fingers in my chocolate curls and massages my scalp. Oh my gosh that feels so good. I moan in contentment before trying to pay closer attention to the movie. Sooner or later I doze off and don't even realize it.

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