Chapter 6

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I wake up from the bed from one of my nightmares. I start to shake as I look for Tanner. He wasn't at my side so I decided to look around the house, looking for him.

I walk up the stairs as I continue to shake, but not as bad. I turned on the flashlight from my phone so I could see. I also looked at the time, which was 4:28 am. Crap.

I looked all on the first floor, nothing. I didn't bother to check in the second floor, because I knew he wouldn't be there. He was nowhere to be found.

"Tanner?" I whisper-yelled.

No response, as I thought so.

I look around a bit more and still continue to not find him. I hear the door click open so I rush over there. I see Tanner as he waves to someone in a car as they drove off. It looked like a girl, or a guy with really long hair. My guess was a girl.

"Tanner? Where the hell were you?" I whispered to him, not wanting to wake anyone up.

"Wha- what are you doing up?" Tanner asks as he jumps from not seeing me.

"I had a nightmare, so now answer my question." I fold my arms and tap my foot as I continue to shake lightly. I was filled with anger, so I wasn't scared anymore.

"Lia, I'm sorry." Tanner sighs as he hangs his head.

"Explain." I sigh.

"Lia, I-I don't know what I was doing a-"

I slap him hard across the face, not even knowing that I was doing that. I quickly ran downstairs and packed up all of my stuff. I got out my phone and I quickly dialed Tanner Fox's number. He was the only person I knew in LA. Besides his girlfriend, Taylor. She was nice.

Within 3 rings, he picks up, "Hello?"

"Tanner... can you pick me up?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah- I mean, yeah. Sure, why?" He asks.

"I'll explain later." I sigh as I zip up my suitcase.

"Okay, I'll be there in a while. Text me your address." Tanner Fox says.

"Okay, thanks." I lightly smile as I hang up and send him my address.

He said he would be there in 40ish minutes. He might get here faster since he has a sports car and traffic shouldn't be bad at almost 5 am.

I get a text from TF(Tanner Fox) saying that he'll be here in a minute or so.

I was still filled with hatred, but the sadness hasn't come through yet.

I grabbed my suitcase as I quietly went upstairs and I saw Tanner asleep on the couch. I walked outside and I saw Tanner Fox's car. I put my suitcase in back and I went in the front seat.

"You okay?" He asked as we pulled out.

"Not really." I shrug.

"What happened?" Tanner asked.

*im just gonna call him Tanner for now on until I get Tanner Braungardt back in so yaaaah*

I completely spill everything and I start to feel tears brim my eyes. I notice that we're at Tanner's house and we get out. I grab my suitcase as Tanner waits for me. I quickly hug him tightly.

"Thank you." I say as I continue to hug him.

"Yeah, anything for a friend." Tanner smiles as he rubs my back and then lets go of me.

I smile lightly as I grab my suitcase again and we head inside. I immediately jump on the couch and fall asleep in a snap.


Agh, I have communications homework I should be doing, but it's 10 pm (or for you other people's, it's almost 22:00) but yah, I went to a volleyball game for mah school and it was fun. Thank goodness I have study hall tomorrow to work on my homework! 😂 see you all later! And I apologize if you hate me... I feel like Tanner B. is just cheating on her a lot so I need ideas! Tell meeee

My Lover Boy -Tanner Braungardt- (Second Book)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن