Chapter 15

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Chapter idea from EmilyCarcamo :)

Today was the day Quentin and Dylan were leaving. I was kinda heartbroken, but I knew they had to leave sooner or later. I wish it was later... anyways, Tanner also got his r8 back and he couldn't be more happy. He's like a little kid in a candy store! Him being happy makes me happy, but I know it won't stay like this forever.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." I sigh as I continue to hug Quentin.

"I'm gonna miss you too, seester." Quentin laughs.

"And Dylan, or should I say Mylan? I'm gonna miss you too!" I hug him tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Lia." Dylan chuckles and hugs me back.

Quentin and Dylan get into the car with Kim and they drive off. I feel the waterworks....

I hug Tanner tightly as I sob into his shoulder and he just rubs my back, "it'll be okay... we're going home in another week."

"I-I- Ok-ay." I sob and I sniffle. Tanner wipes away my tears and lightly kisses my lips.

"You'll be okay..." Tanner smiles and wraps his arms around my waist.

I hiccup in which Tanner chuckles and I playfully hit him and walk back inside, still wiping my tears.


"Dear Tanner," I read aloud as I also write it down on my paper, "You know what? I'll just tell him in person."

I sigh as I crumple the paper and throw it in the trash. I go upstairs to go find Tanner and I see him on the couch eating some sour cream and onion chips.

"Hey, babe." Tanner smiles.

"Uh, hey. I was wondering if I could talk to you?" I say nervously.

"Oh, uh, yeah." Tanner says and he wraps up the chip bag and puts down his phone.

"T-Tanner. I-I don't feel like myself. I-I'm honestly really scared right now. I'm scared to let myself be happy, even just for one minute. Because when things go good, it usually goes downhill... I don't know if I can deal with us fighting in our relationship much longer. Tanner, I'm scared for us. I'm scared for myself. I don't wanna be hurt again, just like I've been before... and me telling you this, I-it makes me cry." I sob and I wipe my eyes.

"L-Lia. What d-do you mean by h-hurt yourself again?" Tanner asks as a tear goes down his face.

"I-I haven't told you this, b-but I-I used to self harm..." I say as more tears flow down my cheeks.

"Lia? I-is that true?" Tanner asks as he hold one of my hands but I take it back.

"Y-yeah. I didn't want t-to tell you because I thought you wouldn't like me because I-I used to." I cry uncontrollably.

"No! Lia! I would never ever break up with you if you did that, alright? I understand what you went through. I used to have depression too, you'll get through it, alright?" Tanner and as he pulls me into a hug.

I nod my head as I hug him tightly and continue to cry.

"Shh, shhh. You're okay." Tanner rubs my back.

"T-Tanner? I'm scared for us." I continue to sob.

"No. No, no, no. Don't say that. We'll be okay, I promise you. Alright, princess?" Tanner says as I cry more.

"O-Okay." I say and wipe my tears on my sweatshirt.

"And we'll be home in 4 days. Here, I'll go help you with your school." Tanner smiles and wipes my tears with his thumb.

"Okay." I say and smile weekly.

"We'll get through this, okay?" Tanner hugs me again and I nod.

How did I get so lucky??

My Lover Boy -Tanner Braungardt- (Second Book)Where stories live. Discover now