Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sun shining in my face and me laying in my bed I groaned a bit as heard someone move and opened my eyes to see Peter sitting in a chair next to the bed. "Peter" I said but it came out almost a whisper "hey, how ya feeling" Peter asked me "okay, my head hurts a bit but I'm fine, where is everyone" I asked looking around seeing no one was here except for Peter and I. "They went to the funeral for Neil then heading to the diner" Peter said as I sat up and looked at the ground. "Somethings wrong" I said as Peter looked at me confused "what do you mean" "for the past few days, I haven't felt like myself" "in a good or bad way" Peter asked a bit scared and confused.

"I don't know, but it sure doesn't feel good" I said and looked at Peter "well what does it feel like" "I get this pain in my stomach and my head starts to hurt when I run fast. I feel like I'm stuck with a cold or something and it just gets worst when I use anything that's from my vampire self" I said. "Do you want to go to the doctors" Peter asked me "no, they can't do anything for me, I'm dead remember" I said with a small smile as Peter did a small laugh at me.

"Far enough" "I'm hungry" I said and stood up looking in the kitchen for something to eat. "Do you want to go to the diner and grab something to eat, then we can meet up with everyone" Peter said grabbing his jacket and mine as I leaned on the counter "okay, sound goods to me" I said as he handed me my jacket and we walked over to the diner. No one was there yet so we just sat at the bar and grabbed a menu "hey sweetie, what would you like" a lady walked up to me. "Um some eggs, bacon, and toast" I said handing her the menu "same" "okay, drinks" "Coke" Peter said "water" I said and she walked off.

"So, how did Henry take the fact about his dad" I couldn't help but ask "okay, I mean he wasn't happy or anything but he wasn't that upset" Peter said. I did a small smile "that's only because he doesn't remember anything". "True" Peter said as the lady placed the food in front of us "here you go" "thanks" I said and grabbed my fork and digging it into my eggs. I put the eggs in my mouth and realized that it didn't taste that good so I just took a bit of the bed and that didn't taste as good either.

I sighed at the fact that nothing tasted good to me but I knew bacon always tasted good to me so I grabbed a piece of bacon and took a bite of it. I spat it out in my napkin and sighed "what's wrong" Peter asked me "nothing seems to taste that good" I said and pushed the plate away. "Do you want something else" Peter asked "no, I think" I started to say but decided I wasn't going to finish it. "What" "never mind" I said as everyone walked inside the diner "hey, how ya feeling" David asked me "okay I think I was just hungry" I said.

"Well I see that you got some food" David said "ya well if you want to you can have it I'm done eating" I said. David looked at me confused a bit as I over heard Emma and Hook talking. "As far as he's concerned, I haven't seen Neal since he left me in jail,

so anything I tell him about his dad being a hero sounds like I'm making it up just to get him to feel better" Emma said. They must be talking about Henry. "Perhaps I can talk to him" Hook said "about what, leather conditioner and eyeliner" Emma asked "I knew Bae as a boy. Perhaps Henry would like to hear what his father was like when he was his age" Hook said.

"You'd really do that?" "aye, it could help the boy make peace with his father's passing, and me" Hook said as Emma did a small laugh, "be careful, Zelena's still out there". "I assure you nothing will happen to the boy while he's in my charge" Hook said as Emma seemed okay with it as she went to talk to Henry and he seemed okay with it and they left.

All of a sudden the door whooshed open and in walked Zelena as we all stood up from out seats. "My condolences, I'm so sorry I missed the funeral, but I could never pass up a wake. Oh, did I miss the speeches, shall I make one, I mean I am, after all responsible" Zelena said with a smile as Emma went to go after her but Emma stopped her "Emma, no, too many people will get hurt" "listen to your mother Emma" Zelena said. "That doesn't mean I can't throw a few punches" I said mad and walked up to her but she held out her hand making me stiff as it felt like someone was grabbing my throat and I was lifted off the ground.

"Ah ah, that's not very nice" Zelena said acting she was all big and tough as she flung me across the room and I hit the counter. Peter ran over to me as I sat up and looked at her, mad as she just smiles at me. "Anyone who tries to interfere with my plan is gonna have to deal with The Dark One" Zelena said as she looked at David and Mary as she stood behind David as he protectively had his hand on her stomach "don't come any closer" he said to her "don't worry, I'm not here for the baby today" Zelena looked at me "or at least not yours" I looked at her confused.

"Then why are you here" Peter asked her "now that my cover's blown, I can finally pay a visit to my little sister" Zelena said. Who the hell are you talking about" Regina asked "why you, of course, Regina" "what, I'm an only child" Regina said with a smile. "Cora lied to you, Regina, I'm your sister, half, if you want to get technical" Zelena said "why should I believe anything you say" Regina asked. "Oh, well, you shouldn't, it's a lot to swallow, which is why I've brought a gift to help" Zelena said.

Regina laughed at Zelena "I don't want a gift from you" "oh, but you shall have it. You see, my gift to you is this sad, sad day, use it to dig into our past, Regina. You need to learn the truth, and you must believe it and then meet me on Main Street tonight say, sundown" Zelena said looking at everyone then back at Regina. " And then what" "then I'll destroy you" "this isn't the wild West" Regina said. "No dear, it's the wicked West, and I want everyone to be there to see The Evil Queen lose" Zelena said with a smile as Regina smirked evilly at her. "I don't lose" "neither do I" Zelena said with a laugh as she walked right up to Regina's face "one of us is about to make history. See you tonight, sis" Zelena said.

Zelena turned around and walked out, closing the door behind her, I stood up and walked over to everyone "and you're sure Cora never said anything about her" Emma asked Regina. "I think I would remember if my mother told me she had a love child with a scarecrow" Regina said. "Well who would blame her, that would be a weird conversation to have" Peter said and Regina gave him a glare. "It doesn't matter if Zelena is your sister or not, she wants you dead, any idea why" I asked her. "I never even met her before today" Regina said.

"Doesn't mean you didn't do something to piss her off" Emma said "you did manage to step on a lot of toes back in our world" Tinker Bell said. "Well, none of them were green" Regina said a bit annoyed "then there's the missing year, maybe you did something to her then" Granny said. "Stick to the lasagna, lady" Regina said a bit mad and annoyed "it's starting to sound an awful lot like you're all on her side" Regina stood up and grabbed her jacket "where are you going" Emma asked. "To find out exactly what this witch thinks I did to her" Regina said and left.

All of a sudden my stomach started to hurt again "Bailey, are you okay" Peter asked me laying a hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine" I said with a fake smile "okay I think you should go to the doctors" David said to me "I said I'm fine" I said a bit mad. "I'm just hungry that's all" I said half true as a pain came to my throat again. "Okay that's it come on" David said "I'll take her" Peter said as David looked at him not knowing if he could trust him or not. "Its fine, you have Mary to look after" I said to him as he nodded and Peter took me to the hospital.

Peter and I walked into the hospital and met with Dr. Whale "well hello Star" "Bailey remember" I said with a smile. "That's right, sorry, what can I do for you" Dr. Whale asked us "I need some help you know, just to make sure everything's okay" I said as he nodded. "Okay, just follow Cindy and she'll help you" Dr. Whale said "okay, you can just stay here" I said to Peter "okay" he said giving me a quick kiss as we went to a room.

"So what seems to be wrong" Cindy asked me "well lately I've been getting these pains in my stomach and now my throat is starting hurt like crazy". "Okay are you still" Cindy started "a vampire, ya, but ever since this new curse came I haven't needed any blood" I said to her and she looked at me a bit surprised. "Okay why don't you just lay down and we will take a look at your stomach to see what's going on" Cindy said and I laid down as she put this gel on me and looked at this small screen while I just looked at the ceiling.

"Wow" I heard Cindy say "what" I asked and looked up at the screen "is that" I started looking surprised. "That's a baby" Cindy said and looked at me "you're pregnant"!

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