Chapter 8

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Chapter 8



“Peter stay here” I said to Peter “wait what” I quickly ran off “Bailey, wait, Bailey” I heard Peter call from behind me. I looked around as it started to snow like crazy and I looked over to see one of the flying monkeys. I looked over to where the monkey was flying to and saw Henry, Hook, and Mr. Smee. “Great” I said mad as I ran over to them as they ran into the boat house. “Henry” I said and they all turned around with a jump. “How did you get in here” Henry asked me “that doesn’t matter right now” I said.

“What now, Captain” Mr. Smee asked Hook scared “take the boy there, far exit. Find a new boat, I'll stay here to deal with our winged friends. Henry, go with Smee and Bailey, don't stop, no matter what you hear” Hook said to Henry as there was a screeching from outside “go” Hook said to Henry. I started to run with Henry but stopped and turned back to Hook “what about you” I asked him “I'll be fine, just go” Hook said to me. “You can't fight them off yourself” I said to him. “Just go” Hook yelled at me as I turned around to see more flying monkeys coming into the boat house. “Go” Hook yelled as more started to fly in and Hook kept shooting at them but Henry tripped on some rope as one of the monkeys started to fly towards Henry.

“No” I yelled and ran over to him, grabbing the monkey in my arms just as someone shot it. I turned around to see Emma and everyone running over to us. Henry look at me confused and a bit scared. David threw his sword hitting one and making it disappear as Emma kept shooting. “I never liked pets” Regina said making a fire ball and throwing it at a few monkeys.

“Henry” Emma yelled helping him up “are you okay” “yeah, why, what were those things” Henry asked freaking out a bit “why does he have a sword” Henry pointed to David. “And how did you just do that” Henry asked me. “It's all gonna make sense in a minute, I promise” “what are you talking about” Henry asked confused. “I'm sorry I was keeping things from you, you were right, you deserve to know the truth”. Emma held the book out in front of her as Henry looked down.

“About fairy tales, I don't understand” Henry asked confused “do you trust me” “yes, of course I do” Henry said. “Then I need you to believe” “believe in what” “believe in magic” Emma said “from a book” “it's more than just a book, do you believe in me” Emma asked as Henry paused for a second. “Yes” “then take it” Emma said as Henry took a deep breath and took the book. Henry paused for a moment before looking at everyone.

“Mom” he said looking at Emma then looked at Regina “mom” he said with a smile as Regina ran over, hugging him. “Bailey” Henry said with a smile a she hugged me “I remember, I remember” Henry said with a smile. “Wait why is he here” Henry asked looking at Peter. “And why are you big” Henry asked looking at me confused as we all laugh “its a long story” I said with a smile hugging Henry again. “Do it, Emma, break the curse” Regina said to Emma. Emma leaned in, about to kiss Henry on the forehead but he disappeared. “I'm so sorry to interrupt” we all turned to see Zelena holding Henry “now who wants to say goodbye first”.

“Who are you” Henry asked trying to struggle out “you can call me auntie Zelena”. “Zelena let him go” I yelled at her mad, or what, you'll bite me, break my neck, you make one move and I'll kill him”. “Let him go, he had nothing to do with this” Emma said. “Don't blame me, the Captain failed me” “damn you, Zelena” Hook said “Hook, what's she talking about”. “He knew what the price of that failure was your son's life” Zelena started to choke Henry.

“Mom” Henry choked out as Emma thought for a second as Henry started to glow, burning burning Zelena. Zelena screamed in pain and mad as Henry ran to Emma “I may not be able to hurt Henry, but he's not the only one I need to hurt. All of a sudden Zelena rose her hand making me slide forward. I tried to fight it as I panic but Zelena grabbed my throat. She looked at me mad as she shoved her hand into my chest, where my heart was.

I gasped “your heart may not be beating but your baby's is” Zelena said ripping my heart out as I held my chest and tried to breath. I fell to the ground “enjoy this moment together, 'cause you don't have many left” Zelena yelled before vanishing.


“Bailey” I yelled as we all ran over and I lifted her up as she just was gasping for air. “Bailey” I asked as she sat up looking worried and looked down at her stomach. “Its gone, the baby, its gone” she said upset, trying to hold back tears.

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