Chapter 6

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Chapter 6



I woke up and put on a pair of jeans and a purple and blue shirt “well looks like someones showing”. I turned around to see Peter standing in the bedroom doorway “ya well I have a feeling that my stomach will be growing a lot to catch up with the past year” I said turning to the side in the mirror to see my stomach. “Well, then its going to be very hard to go shopping” Peter said and I looked at him seeing a smile on his face.

“What happen to you” I asked with a smile “what do you mean” Peter asked me confused. “One day you were dead and trying to kill my family but still loving me and then one day I wake up and you're a different person”. “I thought you had your memory back” Peter asked walking up to me “for the most part and even what I do remember its still the same. Out of no where you changed” I said.

“Well if I were you I wouldn't argue” Peter said with a smile and quick kissed me.


I got dressed in a long blue dress with black at the top and one strap. I walked on the beach having my hair up but some of my hair stayed down in little strains. I looked out to the ocean as I heard a noise behind me and quick turned around but saw nothing. I turned back around and kept walking until I heard a noise again behind me. I quickly stopped and turned around once again but nothing. “Who's there” I half yelled towards the woods but nothing came out or made a noise.

I turned around and when I heard the noise again I quickly turned and ran into the woods grabbing who ever the person was and pinned them to the ground. “Pan” I said surprised as I let got of his throat and stood up. “Nice to know even with a dress on you can kill me” Peter said standing up. “Ha ha very funny, what are you doing here” I asked “I wanted to see how you were” Peter said. “I'm fine, now you know, now go” I said and turned around, walking away.

“Star wait, can't we talk” “about” I asked still walking away “about everything, I mean you saved my life after you found out I had changed and then you just leave me there in the ocean” Pan said chasing after me. “Well I had to get home before David found out I was gone” I said still walking. “Star listen” Pan stepped in front of me stopping, making me stop and listen.

“I know you still think I'm just this bad guy trying to kill everyone” Pan started “because you are. You killed Rumple, tried to kill my friends and family, and then sent us all back here” I said. “I know what I did, but I'm better now you have to believe me” Pan said “and how can I, what have you done that helps me believe that you have changed” I asked. “Because I love you” Peter said and I was silent, caught of by surprised.

“I love you and I don't want to let you go” Peter said “then don't” I said.


Emma, Mary Margaret and I sat in our apartment waiting for Regina who walked in with a huge smile. “Regina, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you look smitten” Mary Margaret said. Regina does a small laugh “well, if I didn't know any better, I'd say your stomach is smitten” Regina said sitting her coat down “can we get started”. “We were waiting for Hook” Emma said “I don't have time to wait for the hand less wonder, we have to figure out how to destroy my sister” Regina says a bit annoyed.

“For once, I agree with Regina, stopping her plan is the priority” I said as Regina sat down. “There's one thing about this plan that doesn't fit, Regina” Emma said as Regina looked at her confused “I'm the point of it, so she can take my life for herself”. “Yes, but why bring you back to Storybrooke? Why bring any of us” Emma asked. “Well, no one's ever succeeded at traveling through time. Perhaps something from this world makes it possible, but what's almost as troubling is that she was able to cast the curse, to bring us all here in the first place” Regina said to all of us.

“Why is that” Mary Margaret asked. “To do it though, you have to give up the thing you love most. From what I gather, Zelena doesn't love much” Regina said making a point. “Neither did you, you managed” Emma said to Regina and nodded in agreement. “Zelena's smart, strategic; perhaps we discovered something in the missing year to stop her” Emma said. “And then the only way to stop us from interfering was to bring us back here and wipe our memories. So if we get our memories back, we might already know how to defeat her” Mary Margaret said.

“We just need to break this curse” I said getting to the point. “Well, thank goodness we have a savior” Mary smiled at Emma. “I would love to, but there's one problem, last time, all it took was me believing in magic and kissing Henry. Since I've been back, I've done both and nothing”. Regina does a small gasp, like she figured it out “it's the belief.

Henry, he needs to believe, in this new life he doesn't. We have to get him to believe again”.

“So, what, we put on a magic show” Mary Margaret asked “how did you believe” Regina asked Emma. “The book, the storybook” Emma gets it now “that's what started Henry on his original path and what got you to believe, it's the key. In him believing, remembering everything” Regina said. “I don’t know” Emma said not 100% sure on this plain. “Well, either way, it's our best bet” “she's right” I said as Emma sighed and looked at the ground “I know”. Emma looked up “let's find it”.

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