Chapter 11

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Chapter 11



David, Emma, Hook, Regina, Robin and I walked up to the barn but stopped when we saw Shelby standing outside. “Mom move” I said to her “I'm sorry I can't let you do this, I can't let you stop this from happening” Shelby said. “Don't make me do something I will regret” David said “and the same goes for me” Shelby said to us. She seemed upset as we started to walk towards her. “If you take one more step I will kill you” Shelby said to us.

David and I quickly walked up to her as Shelby looked at us upset “please don't” she begged us. David walked up to her and quickly stabbed her threw her stomach while I stood next to him. "Goodbye Shelby" David said and pulled out the sword and I grabbed it from his hand and stabbed her myself "goodbye mother" I whispered in her ear as I polled it out of her and she fell to the ground. I handed David the sword as we walked towards the barn. "I'll sneak around and spook her a bit" I said as I jogged to the side of the barn as David and everyone walked towards the barn.


“See, once I change the past, you and I shall meet under different circumstances, and, Rumple, you will choose me, and I will be enough” Zelena said to Gold. “No, you won't and no matter where you go in time, I will find a way to kill you” Gold said mad as Zelena chuckled and did the spell. “Don't worry, dearie, once all this is over, you won't remember a thing” Zelena said. “It isn't over yet” I said mad as we all stood next to each other.

Zelena turned to us “and who's gonna stop me, certainly not the Savior”. I look toward the child “go, we got your back” Emma said to me pointing her gun at Zelena “and I've got your heart” Robin said to Regina. I pointed my sword while Robin pointed his arrow at Zelena as we slowly walked over towards the baby. “Zelena, stop now, we're not gonna let you succeed” Regina said as Zelena chuckled “rid me of those pests” she said to Gold.

Gold shot his arm and Robin and I went flying, hitting some hay that was next to the wall. Gold turned to Hook and Emma “get the dagger, then the dark one will be on your side” Gold said throwing Emma's gun as we stood up. “It's easier said than done” Emma quickly said a bit scared. “Do as I say, or I will destroy you both, I have no choice” Gold shot them into the wall of hay. Zelena turned to Regina “come for another beating, sis” “no, I came for some jewelry” Regina said.

Regina started to walk up to Zelena put she took her and shot her up, holding her in the air.


I peeked around the corner and saw that Zelena was holding Regina by the neck. I climbed up one of the sides of the barn and jumped around as best as I could, having a laugh echo off the walls as Zelena looked around confused and I think a bit scared. I used this time and quickly grabbed the baby just as Zelena turned to me “I've had about enough of you” she said mad and throwing something at my back just as Regina threw Zelena to the ground. I felt this pain go threw my whole body as I fell to the ground and leaned on some pile of hay. I watched as Regina grabbed Zelena's necklace and ripped it off.

I laid there, holding the baby as David ran over to us. David grabbed the baby “is he alright” I asked in a weak voice. “Ya, he's fighter, just like his sisters” David looked at Emma with a smile and looked at me as the pain didn't go away. David looked at me concerned as he gave Emma the baby “Bailey are you okay” he asked me “ya” I lied not feeling like I was. “Look at her back” Regina quickly said as David pushed me forward to look at my back as I hissed in pain.

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