Chapter 2

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Chapter 2



When I do Star it means back in the Forest, Bailey is in Storybrooke.


I slowly walked into the castle where the Wicked Witch was holding Pan in a cellar. I had to be fast but careful so I wouldn't get caught by anyone or anything. I quickly ran up to the cellars and looked around “Pan” I called but tried to be quiet “Star” Pan said and I quickly went over to his cellar “Ariel got to you” Pan said with a smile “ya, she told me you changed, did you”. “Yes, I had Ariel go and find you before I was kidnapped Pan said “and how do I know that you're not lying to me” I asked. “You just have to trust me”.

I wasn't sure what to do “just think, Ariel listened to me and and trusted me” Pan said “if she didn't trust me she would have never of found you”. He was right though, Ariel must trust him, and so do I. “Okay stand back” I said and polled on the door as it broke and fell to the ground. “Come on” I said as we were about to go into the hallway but we stopped when we saw a flying monkey. It flew toward us and we quick duck and went back in the cellar. I looked around and saw the small window that had bares on it.

I polled at the bears, polling them off easily “come on” I said to Pan as he jumped out the window and I watched as he landed in the water. “Well, well, well look who it is” I quickly turned around and saw the Wicked Witch with the monkey standing next to her. “The girl who never dies” she said with a smile, I stood and watched her as she took a few steps close to me. “What do you want” I asked her “you” she said with a whisper “sorry I'm taken” I said and jumped on the window “Star wait”. I turned around and looked to see a lady who almost looked like me.

I looked at the lady confused and a bit shocked “mom” I asked but my footing slipped and I fell into the ocean. I came up to the surface as Pan swam over to me “Star are you okay” Pan asked me. “Ya, but I think I just saw my mother” I said surprised.


“How is this possible” I asked sitting up “I don't know truthfully, you're probable getting the pains in your stomach and your throat because your hungry” Cindy said. I sighed “I can't believe this” I said and stood up. “Listen I need you not to tell anyone about this” I said as she nodded. I walked out of the room and into the waiting room “hey is everything okay” Peter asked “ya I'm fine” I said as we walked out of the hospital. We turned a corner and stopped when we saw Zelena with a smile on her face.

“What do you want” Peter asked standing in front of me “I just came to see how you two are doing. How's that craving of yours Star” Zelena asked with a smile. Peter swung his and and Zelena took a few steps back “so you want to play that game” Zelena said with a smile and swung Peter across the street and he hit a close by building. “Peter” I yelled and quick turned back at Zelena “what do you want” I yelled at her “I want you to do me a favor” Zelena said.

“And why would I do anything for you” “because you'll have no choice” Zelena said and lifter her hand making this green dust go around me. I breath a little in and my eyes turned to a red and my fangs came out. “Run, kill anyone that you've ever hated” Zelena said and I hissed at her and quickly ran off.

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