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Here we go!

1. Name?

Well . . . I'm just going to remain anonymous. For now. Maybe . . .?

2. Height?

Five feet . . .? I'm a short person. I dunno, I haven't measured in a looooong time.

3. Weight?

Oh, I bet I'm worth a lot of pounds. But I've never really been to Europe before.

4. Age?

I'm going to repeat again: I WILL STAY ANONYMOUS.

5. Birthday?

Anonymous. Ugh. Shut up. Bye.

6. Girl BFF?

I have a LOT of best friends, but not all of them are that close to me, so I'm just going to name some of them (the ones that are close to me), 'cause I'm just going to be here forever, and I know you want to leave so you can read another story. Okay, so here we go: Sofia, Karina, Dora, Grammy Kammy, Natalee, Natalia (both), Cora, Abby, Loren, Celine, Alyssa, Alexia, Luisa, Catherine, Katherine, Kiaraly, Bella (both), and . . .?

See, I told you it would be forever.


7. Guy BFF?

Ugh. This is so awkward. It's 'cause I don't hang out with too many guys, so I'll just name my closer ones: Carlos (NOT CASTRO, but Miranda), Omar, Benji, Raphael, and Chris. Yes, yes, I know. They're all smaller than me. I know. Also, I sometimes hang out with David and Daniel, Alex, Andrew, and not that much, but you-know-who. Yeah, you. You know who you are. I only put your name because you gave me chocolate. I love chocolate.

8. Crush?

Eeeeeeewwwwww. Boys are gross. (JUST KIDDING!) What? I still think like a little kid (though I'm not one)! But seriously, I don't like anyone. That's just gross, considering the guys that are available. It's just that most of them, I treat them like a brother. So, it'd be disgusting if dated/liked your own BROTHER.

9. Ever fallen in love?

YES! I have fallen in love the moment I read the first sentence of Percy Jackson. I believed in love at first sight. Notice, key word: BELIEVED.

10. Favorite food?

FRIEEEES!!! FRIES BEFORE GUYS! ❤ I'm just kidding! I don't discriminate! But I do LOVE FRIES.

11. Last text?

Dora, she sent me a picture of the algebra homework because I forgot my journal at school. Tear, tear.

12. Longest relationship?

Well, shhhh. Don't tell anyone. I'm dating someone since forever. It's food.

13. Battery percentage?

100%. Yaysies.

14. Eye color?

Poop-colored. Awesome. I, sadly, have the dominant gene. Wait, doesn't everyone want the recessive gene?

15. Addiction?


16. Favorite song?

I currently like the song, "Look What You Made Me Do", and yes, it's Tay's new song. I LOVE IT SO MUCH! But sadly, it's most likely going to change.

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