(#4) LIT :P

30 11 14

Gracias (thank you in Spanish), taebiasforever, for tagging me!


There are rules.

Ahem . . .

1. Title must be "LIT".

Which explains the reason why this is entitled "LIT".

2. Can't refuse.


3. No replying to comments.

Yeah . . . I'm sorry about that one too . . .

4. Must be done in a week, or else you must post a picture of yourself dancing.

Ah, you wouldn't want that; it'll make your eyes bleed. I dance horribly.

5. State 13 facts about yourself.

Ummm, okay, then.

6. Tag 15 people.

Oml, that's a lot of people. Whoever made this thing was kinda KA-RAY-ZAY!!!! But in a good way ;)))

Anyway! Let's get on with those facts! Ready or not, here I come!


Fact #1: I was born in Nanjing, China, and then moved with my grandparents (mom's side) when I was 8 months old because of my parents' jobs, and then moved to Hong Kong when I was four because of my parents' jobs, and then moved to Nashville, Tennessee when I just turned seven because of my parents' jobs, and then moved to where I currently live now when I was ten because of my parents' jobs.


I moved a lot.

But now that my parents' jobs are pretty stable, I don't think we have to make any big moves, unless, I dunno, they're called to Russia to do be, like, the richest person on the planet. Idk.

Fact #2: I play a couple of instruments--piano :)))))), trumpet (that was not my choice; I wanted either clarinet or flute, but that's all okay now!), euphonium (if I had to be brass, I would've chosen this one. It's sooooo gorgeous!! But sadly, it's not my main instrument . . .), and I'm self-taught in violin, but I don't think I can say that I know how to play it. So that doesn't count as one.

Fact #3: I am really awkward. Especially around guys. It's just that I don't really hang out with a lot of them, so . . . yeah. And no guy has really went up to me and told me I was pretty, but a lot of girls have. Hmm. . . maybe I should change my sexuality? Nah, it's okay. I'm straight as a ruler!

Fact #4: I started playing piano since I was six. In the beginning, my dad gave up on me, because I wasn't playing anything correctly, and told me that I'd never be able to play piano. But thank goodness my mom never gave up on me and actually helped me out a lot, therefore, causing me to become the person that I am today!

Fact #5: When I was younger, I used to be athletic and popular. For those of you who know me in real life, you might find it hard to believe. I used to swim, do ballet, play basketball and tennis, run really, really fast, even in flats, and Chinese dance, which is kind of like gymnastics. Now, I can barely even catch a ball, much less throw it. And I can barely even do a cartwheel without stretching my leg muscles Q_Q . . . I drown in water, and I am the slowest person on the planet. Seriously. Never watch me run--you'll die of laughter. But I quit everything because of music. Oh, and my academics. I used to be the dumbest person in the whole entire school. I got 70's and 80's. Now, I have straight A's since fifth grade, and I'm the biggest nerd in town. Jk, jk, but I'm still a pretty big nerd, hehe ;))))

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