The Most Embarassing Moment Ever 2.0

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So, in the last chapter, I was talking about cocks and my sister. Well, you know what?? I've had quite a few experiences with cocks (diccs) myself. Shall we begin?


When I was in the seventh grade, there was a guy named Pablo, who played alto saxophone. That part isn't important, but I just included it just because. Anyway, at that time of my life, I guess you could say, I was absolutely obsessed with stress balls. 

It was one fateful day when my horrible luck had to hit me . . .


I burst into my ugly, inharmonious laughter when this dude (let's just call him Fernie, because that was his name) took my stress ball away.

"Give it back!" I shouted, my voice raising over the din of the noisy cafeteria.

"I just want to look at it--"

But I had already grabbed it. Unfortunately, what I did not see was that Pablo had stood towering behind me (because a) I was short, and b) because I was sitting down.) so that he could talk to Fernie.

And right when I snatched my stress ball back from Fernie . . .

. . . my elbow went smack against his cock.

Of course, being the overly-dramatic little kid that I was, I completely freaked.

I literally almost started hyperventilating and crying. Notice: almost. I apologized to him profusely and buried my embarassed face inside of my sweater. That's when I heard this feminine laughter. I looked up from my sanctuary and found my best friend, Karina, laughing.

I scrunched up my face and squinted my eyes. "Why are you laughing?"

She continued laughing. "I thought you grabbed it."

My jaw literally dropped. "Excuse me?! I was reaching for my stress ball, and I accidentally jammed my elbow onto his crotch! I did NOT grab his . . . thing!"

This girl. Sigh.

Fernie said, "Calm down! It's okay!"

And Pablo didn't even grab his pee pee like I'd thought he would've done. He literally just stood there and calmed me down. Like, hello?? It should've been me calming him own!



Now, this one's a short one. It happened during one of my stupid swimming classes.

Here we go again . . . 


I kicked my foot up as hard as I possibly could and felt it hit something. Something between two legs.

I immediately covered my mouth. "OH MY GOSH, I AM SO, SO SORRY! ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?!??!??!??!"

The boy (he was, like, what? Six?) merely laughed. "It's okay. You just kicked me on my private spot."

Once again, I was humiliated. Sad, my life, isn't it?


I know it wasn't a lot to be embarrassed about, but still; I just get really, really freaked out when it's something dealing with guys' cocks. Idek why, but it's just that two traumatic experiences when you were young tends to be exaggerated more and make you afraid of everything related to that topic. Or maybe it's just that I rarely hang out with boys, and the only male member of my family is my dad.

Yeah, let's just say that I was one dramatic kid.

I mean, I still am. Dramatic, I mean. Also, I'm still a kid. I'll always be a kid at heart. Always.


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