(Rant #5) I'm Too Short

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Just as the title states, I'm too short. Now, I've been dealing with this annoying shortness for all my life, but I still can't seem to have any growth spurts. When I do grow taller, however, my friends all grow, too. In fact, they grow yay tall and leave me down in the dumps.


I'll tell you why. Let's take a look at baby Anni. . . .


Once upon a time, when baby Anni was in the first grade (I know, I know, it was along aas time ago, but I somehow still remember), we had to line ourselves up by height so that our teachers could see all of us without any of us blocking each other. And guess what?

I was the freaking third person in line. And as you probably know, most (not ALL!) Asians are shorter compared to western people. I WAS THE FREAKING THIRD SHORTEST IN MY CLASS!!!!!!!!!! 


When I was in the second grade, I moved to the United States. When we measured our heights, I, of course, was the shortest one in my class. Not that I minded. But then . . .

I was the only person who wasn't four feet yet. I was three foot ten or eleven or something, but I did not reach four feet tall. 

Imagine the disappointment my face showed.

When I was in the fifth grade, I moved to a different part of the United States. When we measured our heights in the sixth grade . . .

Let's just say I wasn't the tallest in my gym class. In fact, I was the only person who did not reach five feet yet. I was four foot nine.


Now, I'm a bit taller, with me being (almost!) five foot one. I'm not the shortest one in my group of friends, but I am definitely one of the shortest ones.

Yes, being short has its benefits, but there comes a lot of disadvantages with those few benefits. By a lot, I mean a lot.

Whenever my friends try to roast me, they say I'm short. 


When I was in third grade, I couldn't reach the pedals of any pianos and had to use a tiny stool instead. I still can't reach the floor when I'm sitting in class with my back against a chair. I have tiny arms, legs, hands, feet, and practically everything. 

Of course, if I was a guy, I'd probably have a tiny cock too. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

I'M JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY!!!!!!!!!!! I'M JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or am I???

No, I really am kidding. Seriously.

On with the rant: I have a tinier frame, so I'm easier to get trampled on in the hallways. I don't get seen in a crowd because I'm small. I'm the typical stereotype of an Asian girl, so I get teased constantly (and not in a very nice way either!!!). When my family came to America, my mother an I had a lot of trouble finding clothes that would fit us. 

You know, come to think about it, it's really weird how I inherited my grandmothers' genes. Both my grandfathers are extremely tall (for an Asian), and both my grandmothers are really short (for the whole world). My mom is really short (for an American, but in China, she's "average," shall I say?), and my dad is just medium height (I guess in both America and China).

And I'm just short.

Or "fun-sized."


If you have any struggles of being short, tell me! I'd love to "hear" some of your stories! Don't be afraid to comment and share some of them!


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