In a Cage

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After a warm shower i changed and was on my way to the hospital.I was also worried about the dream.shall I talk to my roomies about it?anyway who are they to learn so much about me.
I greeted the one eyed watchman at the main gate and rushed straight to the reception.i scribbled my name on the visitors book and ran upstairs without waiting to hear from the clinic officer on duty
The room was empty.Nobody was lying on the well spread bed.What the hell was going on?where was Edga?I wished a miracle could happen but how?i walked back to the officer on duty who told me parents of Edga had come for him after looking for him for two days.
He did not leave any message for me neither did he leave his contacts.Its when i realised my dreams were shuttered.They would never come through in this planet unless in Mars

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