Parents meeting

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After a while we had become fond of one another.I had become the talk of town.They all thought I was digging for gold.
Even my former room mates that i considered friends gave me a cold back.i was all alone in the world but then Edga my chiwawa my ........gave me a shoulder to lean on.
Tap tap tap the water was dropping on the stone that i used to scrap my legs.i had wandered off thinking on the days activities.How will his parents recieve will they think about me?anyway i was going to meet his parents and then wait for him to propose
After doing the toileteries i was in my car.i wanted to be there on time.i wanted to have time with his mother.
His father was with him alright but the mom kept herself busy in the kitchen all through.Proving myself wife material i resolved to helping her in the kitchen.
We had a chitchat and soon food was ready.we sipped tea ate cakes talked and laughed ourselves out.Its then i realised Edga had no brother but had a big sistor who had died years early.I wanted to become family to him.
I love Edga and i was going to sacrifice my happiness to be with him.those round eyes.that voice all that humour was mine?all mine hahaha its sweet to be in love.
They bid me bye and i was on my way out.i stepped on the accelerator like it was the one that wa making me part with my love.soon i was home after a cold shower i settled to taking no supper.
Karen startled me at almost midnight.i had fallen asleep on the sofa."Your boyfriend is here he has been knocking and calling but you were quite must have been very tired" she told me.I opened the door .Lo and behold my charming prince was standing there like a commando

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