Once a Soldier

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A year has passed since the wedding Day Edga has since been suspended from his job due to a bullet injury on his left leg.He had been in hot pursuit of big named criminals with big named godfathers who were ivory traders when he was shot.It took long to heal the wound and the force gave up on him.

With him now free we have moved out to a new town.Msukosuko, here we have made several friends and he is healing. I have since learnt to be submissive to him and his art of eating Kitten.He is a champion in tearing my genitallia apart and at that rate am not willing to let him stay far from me.

D.S.P J Plus has been looking for a strong man to help him unearth some theft that has been occuring in his office.
Edga came to know about Jay Plus after we first met him in a night club and he recognized Edga.He told him he had heard about him for ages.He was looking forward to meeting him or even working with him.
Edga was wise not to trust everyone and with that he fixed a date to meet and know him better.
They then met at Maisha Mbaya Salmon Hotel for coffee before knowing each other's roots and they almost had similar life stories but differed on the fact that Jay plus had lost two of his brothers and his mother during a raid but he believed they were not dead while Edga had both his parents and siblings alive and intact.

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