Chapter Ten

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Jenny sat on her bed, frozen in fear at the growls she could hear outside the giant house. She could hear Derrick's muffled shouts through the walls. Whatever was making those noises, it sounded like the Calinthro didn't want it anywhere near the home. 

It was only went everything went dead quiet that her heart began to pound. She didn't hear anymore growling, but she didn't hear her giant captor either. Maybe whatever it was killed him? What would she do then? She certainly couldn't just run full speed into the darkness of the Underworld, no. She would surely die on her own. 

Only now does the realization hit her. She needs Derrick. She had no way of surviving here unless she cooperated and listened to the Calinthro. But she couldn't let him know she actually came to this understanding. He would get all smug and she'd never hear the end of it most likely.

The gray kitten beside her was twitching nervously but stayed curled against her thigh. Jenny smiled at the furball, running her fingers over its soft fur. "I never gave you a name did I?" She murmured, gently scratching underneath its chin. "I should probably do that."

Smokey was the first name that came to mind, but loads of gray cats and kittens are called Smokey. Maybe Storm, as his fur was the color of clouds during the rain. Yeah. It had a nice ring to it. Storm the kitten. 

Before she had a chance to tell the kitten its new name, footsteps could be heard nearing the door. It frightened her, as she couldn't pick up any trace of the animal sounds that were outside or Derrick's voice. Her heart beat quickly in her body as she watched the knob. Anxiously waiting for it to turn and reveal the approaching being.

To her relief, and her surprise for being relieved, Derrick stepped into the room. He shut the door behind him, but the look on his face was a mix of worry and anger. "Um..." Jenny took a very deep breath. "Master?" She called softly, trying to sound as sincere as she could muster. "Are you okay?"

Derrick remained silent in response to the human's words. He didn't know how to answer. The truth would probably be best in this case, but he doesn't want her to be afraid. So instead he completely changed the topic and turned around to face Jenny with a smile. "Why don't we just go see your grandmother?"

Had he asked anything else, she most likely would have pressed him for an answer. But hearing him ask about her grandma made a huge smile spread across Jenny's face. "Yes! Please!" She exclaimed excitedly, accidentally startling Storm. 

He was glad to see her move past the topic so easily. But now he had to take her to the human world, where her grandmother is and where she could most likely get help. He couldn't have that. "Oh, and Jenny? If you tell your grandmother anything about me, I'll kill her." He threatened and watched the human's smile fade.

Well, there went any hope of getting help from her. Her grandma was the only person who knew what Calinthro's were, and if she couldn't help then Jenny will surely spend the rest of her life stuck with an immortal demon. "I-I won't." She said quietly, her stomach churning at the idea of her grandma being brutally murdered.

Awaiting her transportation, his large hand fell and stopped on the shelf. He was giving her the option to climb on, and it slightly shocked her; as it had done before. But either way, she scrambled onto his open palm, excited to see her grandmother after three days of separation.  

There was a tingling sensation that began to run through her body. Black and red spots suddenly clouded her vision and she felt woozy. Her brown orbs closed, and she fell into a deep unconsciousness.


Sorry that this one is shorter! I just felt I should get a new chapter out when I get the chance. Hope you enjoy! 


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