Party time

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Brie's P.O.V

We finally got to East Comers Mall and started shopping. Shemme has something up her sleeve since she's taking me shopping but i don't mind it. Walking into Dillard's i found this amazing black dress. I tried it on and it fits! Stopping mid thigh, smoothed over my curves, and stopped in the middle of my back. Thank jesus it was on sale 😃 After paying for our thing we walked in to Journey's to look for some shoes. I saw these adorable black wedges with gold spikes on them, just when i turn around to ask shemme about them i bump im to Trey again. What is today? Bump in to your fine crush day??? He laughed and helped me. " didn't see you there ma" ,he says."Im not sure how but its ok." i replied. " you got a sense of humor, i like it." I instantly felt myself blushing so i look down. Trey says " I see you blushing." "Don't hide it, its cute on you." Then shemme walks up and im thinking to myself please don't do nothing crazy!

Shemme P.O.V

Hey y'll what's up doe?! you know me Shemme but just call me Meme. Anyway I seen Trey walk by and came back when he noticed Brei. I watched his every move while thinking of what shoes to get. I settled on some 6-inch red heels with black bottoms. I know i'm crazy but im sure i saw Trey's whole body jump when Brei bent over to pick up a shoe. Then i see them bump into each other. Umhmmmm i see her blushing over there. I walk over and brei's who face chsnged, i guess because i usually say crazy stuff hmmm o well. i said hi to trey and told brei I was ready to check out, she said ok and walked walked to the check out counter with me. After paying we left to meet kay-kae at Rue 21. Brei doesn't know but im taking her to a party tonight and i know Trey will be there with his crew. She needs this free time since her behind always sitting at home. Its a surprise so don't y'll say nothing!!!!!!!

Trey P.O.V

After leaving school i went straight to the mall. I need new Polos so i headed to Rack Room Shoes where my sister can get me a discount. Walking by Journey's i see that girl i saw earlier, i couldn't help but walk in and talk to here. I guess she didn't see me behind her because she bent down and my first thought was " calm down, you in public". While i was in thought she bumped into and almost fell. I couldn't help but laugh, then i seen her blush and legit wanted to grab her and say be mine. Her friend walked over and said she was ready to leave, watching her every step she gave me a smile and i didn't notice she had one dimple. Mm, gotta stay focused. After getting polos i walked to my car and it had a note on it

" I seen you looking at my friend, in the store. You can get to know her tonight while we're at Alex's party. P.S. she's single."

Felt like i was on cloud 9. Can't wait till tonight but i wanna know shawty's name doe.

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