Give it a Shot

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Brei's P.O.V

After leaving the mall i texted my mom letting her know i was staying with Sheeme for a few days. " so, What is the big surprise?" i asked. " girl chill you'll see." she said " ummhmmm i thought to myself. 15 minutes later we pulled up to sheeme's house. Its only 5:15, ehh guess i'll take a nap. ( 3 hours later )

" Girl get your wide hip self up!!!!!" i hear sheeme yelling while throwing a pillow at me. " im up im up!" i yelled. Before walking into the bathroom i laid out the dress i got,my heels, and coco butter lotion. Grabbing a towel and wash cloth i to a 15 minute shower using my peppermint body wash. After putting on my under wear and lotion i slipped on the dress,heels, and straightened my hair. I also put on a pair of medium sized gold hoop earrings, my gold necklace my mom got me for a birthday present, and a gold bracelet. Sheeme had on a white crop to that had "Tasty" in bold black letter, some black leather tights, black pumps, and curled her hair. To top it off with silver hoops with matching bracelet and necklace. Taking a few pictures for IG (Instagram) we were on our way to where ever we were going but to say i was excited is an under statement. After about 10 minutes we parked by this huge house that look five stories high, had loud music, and people from our school every where. I was so hyped i felt like jumping on sheeme when we got out the car.

Sheeme P.O.V

Seeing Brei so happy and all dressed up made me almost cry. Walking in with her behind me, we went to the kitchen to get drinks. Since i know she doesn't drink i gave her water and i got a red cup that smelled like Vodka. After leaving we walked out to the dance floor and had a blast! Brei isn't a twearker but girl know she can move. Making a sister jelly (jealous) over here. About five song later we're sitting down just talking when Alex walked over to us. A little something about him..... he's 6'6, muscular frame, light green eyes, short curly brown hair, his left ear pierced, and that high yellow color with pink lips! Yeeesssss breaking a sweat just looking at him. He's been my crush since 5th grade but anyway he looked at me and asked " you wanna dance?" on the inside i was saying " yes! yes! yes! anything you want!" but coming to my senses, i looked a brei and she smiled saying its ok and off to the dance floor we went. Can tonight get any better?!

Trey P.O.V

Chilling at my home boy Alex's spring break party he throwing i seen my ex -_- not a surprise, i didn't even pay attention to her. Im waiting on that girl i keep running into. Drinking on a wine cooler i see her sitting on a stool swaying to the music. I walk over to her and she looks at me. Everything about her was flawless. I couldn't help but notice how her dress complimented her skin and body making small talk with her a slow song came on and i asked her to dance. Slowly nodding her head she walked with me to the dance floor. on the count that im way taller than her, its a good thing she's wearing heels. I could smell her body wash and got lost in holding her waist. I leaned down to her ear and whisper " i still don't know your name." She giggled a little making me bit my lip. she said "Brei" slowly and spelling it. Simple yet fitting her after the song was over she was walking away but i gently grabbed her arm and asked for her number, surprisingly she took my phone and put her number in. " see you later" she said and with that she disappeared. My this night can't be better!








Sorry about the wait babes but been tied up with the ACT , prom, color guard tryouts, and my brother graduation. i'll try my best to squeeze another chapter in there. also next chapter will have shout outs so vote and comment. night night loves, smooches xo's

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