That fuzzy feel

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Nobody's P.O.V

Sheeme and Brei are enjoying their night but do they know what comes along with drug lords and secrets hmmmmmm lets find out if they can handle that life






Sheeme P.O.V

Last night was the bet time ever! I had fun with my best friend, danced with my crush, and gave him my number. Can't believe Brei opened up so much, there's a real shocker. Its 8:30 on a saturday morning and i realize i smell food. My mom left for work a hour ago, im use to her being away all the time since she's a bug time doctor and all. I walk down stairs to see Brei cooking up a storm in our kitchen. Making me not want IHOP or Waffle House. I fix two cups of apple juice before sitting at our island. Brei hands me a plate of eggs, bacon, grits, sausage patties, toast, and a omlet. She grabbed her cup of apple juice and turned on our flat screen tv on the wall of the kitchen. Let me explain our house. Even though its just me, my mom, Brei, and my step dad, we have a two story house, 7 bedrooms, 5 baths, 2 kitchens, a dining room, huge living room, garage, a pantry that's stocked with food, a game room and dance studio. A lot right? well my mom goes all out. Brei is living the same life but she choose not to put it out there. After finishing our breakfast we went in the living room and started watching The Help, this movie is so good. Half way through the movie Brei's phone buzzed, after looking at it her face turned tomato red. I sit and stare at her then she looks at me. " what?" she says. " Don't what me who you texting over there?" i asked " well see what had happen was...." she started. " umhm im listening." i told her.

Brei P.O.V

While watching The Help with Shemme i get a text, i thought it was my brother or something.

(Text convo)

Unknown: Hey ma

Me: Hi Trey

Trey: lol, how'd you know?

Me: lucky guess

Trey: alright you got me

Me: i see that, how'd you sleep?

Trey: pretty good ma, What about?

Brei: it was really good.

Half way through the conversation i feel meme starring at me. " what?" i ask, "don't what me, who you texting over there?" she asked. " well see what happened was..." " im listening " she stated. " well when you left me to dance with Alex, Trey walked over. We talked for a bit and he asked me to dance. Good thing i was wearing heels, the whole time i felt like i was walking on air. He asked me my name... that voice sent chills down my back. I seriously thought he knew my name but i told him anyway, the whole while he held me so close to him. Smelling like polo cologne and it felt so right with his hands around my waist. After the song was over i was off to find you but he pulled me back and asked for my number, surprising i gave it to him." Meme's face looked both socked and happy 😱😄. " So what happen with you and Alex" i asked.

Shemme P.O.V

" What happened with you and Alex ?" Brei asked. I felt this big grin on my face. "well,..." i started " while dancing with him we had same talk, this girl was mugging me so i asked did he know her. He said don't worry about her she's nobody. Brushing it off my mind he pulled me closer to him. I looked at those green eyes he had and he leaned down to kiss me but, one of his home boys i guess said something to him and he looked disappointed. I was about to walk away but i couldn't find my phone. After turning around i seen him walking towards me with it in his hand. I said thank you and then he winked at me. That's when i found you." Brei had that " i knew it face." I was about to aske what's up with the face but my phone rung

* phone convo *

Unknown: sup cutie

Me: Nothing much, umhm who is this?

Unknown: here's a hint, always check your pocket for your phone.

Me: Alex?

Alex: yours truly

Me: how'd you get my number?

Alex: i took your phone out your pocket and called my phone.

Me: ohhh that's why you had it.

Alex: ha, ya sweetheart but i'll call you later.

Me: ok (:

* end of convo *

I turn around and Brei is starring at me. Rolling my eyes i head up stairs to shower, today we're going swim suit shopping.

Trey P.O.V

After texting Brei i decided to head over to the trap house. After i pulled up i noticed Benny and Alex was already there, i unlocked the door and went straight to the office. I dapped up Alex and Benny while waiting on the boss. Five minutes later he walked in. I guess he have good news since his face don't look that hard. We discussed business for about 30 minutes and our connections in Hawaii. After we finished talking i decided to go back to the mall. Might relax at the beach today.







Like i promised i worked on two chapters. Hopefully i can update some more but hope you like them. Smooches loves xoxo 😊😊😊😊

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