Chapter 26- Faye | Wood(en Floors)

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Chapter 26: Wood(en Floors) 

With sleepy eyes, and a panicked heartbeat - she counted ten breaths and she recounted all the literary stylistic devices that started with 'a'.

Alliteration, Anaphora, Allusion, Allegory, Assonance, Alexander...


Alex lay sleeping behind her and after last night, from the pillow wall they made in the big bed so that Alex didn't have to sleep on the mattress anymore - somehow his body managed to magnetize towards hers at night and she was sleeping with her body curved to his. His chest on her back and her legs tangled between his. His hand lightly placed on her hipbone and his light breaths in her hair. 

It was a strange sensation. Her mind was fighting the contact. Too much skin, too much closeness, too much...

But her body, her body was telling her to get even closer. 

She closed her eyes and forced her mind to clear him out. She lightly moved her thighs and hips so that she could get into a more comfortable position before trying to sleep again, but stopped short when she heard a muffled groan behind her. Her breath hitched and she immediately visualized Alex waking up and pushing himself off of her and away from her. As if by instinct, she held her breath and only exhaled when she knew he was still asleep. 

Then she felt it. 

A light pressure on her curve of her ass that felt like something was in between them. It was pressing hard against her and she swore she felt a twitch of movement. As soon as she opened her eyes, she knew exactly what it was. 

Her chest caved and her body hummed with arousal. It was a new feeling that opened her insides out and painted her in a bright yellow color which yelled something bright and warm and welcoming. Changing everything that used to be a murky brown and a dark grey into a shade that was more wanted. That she could welcome. 

She puffed out a breath and felt him stir awake behind her. A soft moan flew from her lips as she felt him unintentionally press harder against her. Her mind immediately went black and her body curved out and away from the heat of his. Without realizing that she was on the edge of the bed already, the blanket whipped away from his body and all of a sudden she was rolling off and onto the floor with it. With a loud thud, her body slammed into the wood beneath the bed. 

Alex's eyes opened almost instantly and he leaned over the bed and his unkempt hair and confused eyes looked down at Faye. 

Sheepishly, she looked up at him and once she saw the amusement in his features, she covered her face with the blanket, she could feel the color rising to her cheeks as she let out a groan "Morning A-Alex" 

"Morning mon ciel, uhmm" she could practically feel the laughter wanting to get out from his voice. "What are you doing on the floor?" 

She decided to just stay still and hide herself with the blanket, maybe if she was lucky - a blackhole would open out beneath her and she could slip into it and every single embarrassed cell in her form would be sucked out and away into the cosmos. 

But then she heard movement from above her. Slowly, a pressure evened out on her body, and she felt heat above her. The blanket she was using the cover her face was taken away from her hands and slightly pulled down to reveal Alex above her body, pressed against her with nothing but their clothes and the blanket between them. 

His face was rid of any amusement he felt prior as he looked around her face, memorizing every indent of flesh that structured her. He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth and his eyes went dark. Faye's mind capsized and she pictured her whole anatomy spontaneously combusting just from that one look.

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