Chapter 27- Myra | Sense and Sensi...tive

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Chapter 27: Sense and Sensi...tive 

Silence veiled the once bustling dining hall, and a total of eight students including Myra Gibson were currently within the area where the bench tables copied her feelings of anxiousness and were tumbled over, where chairs had been misplaced like her ability to understand what happened last night. 

She stood in the middle of the hall, a tray in her hand, she stared off into the distance - only stopping to blink whenever she heard the wind's power pushing the entrance door behind her open and shut close. 

There was nothing on the tray, she had meant to get some breakfast but there was no one serving. Teachers and students had barely woken and the destruction that last night's downpour left was enough to make anyone want to stay in and stay in hiding. 

Not Myra. 

She lived for excitement. It was a physical kind of high that no drug nor liquid could ever replicate. When adrenaline coursed through her veins, she felt invincible. 

Four students that were grouped to her right left the hall and that left just herself and three other girls who were giggling softly about something she didn't care to know about. 

She had come to this camp, not because her future wasn't sorted. She had a perfect and clear goal for her life and this camp was a detour. Her psychotherapist said it would help to reach out and become a constant. 


She didn't want anything to be constant in her life. She wanted and still wants to keep going and going and once she meets the end of wherever it is she is going to - she want's to be able to greet it with arms wide open and a drop a full pill box in front of it. 

A rustle of sound shook her out of her thoughts and she blinked hard to realize that she was now the only one in the hall. She looked down at her tray and sighed softly. She would kill for a high right now, of any sorts. Myra knew that she had to pace the control over what she took. That was the one thing in her life that she could control. 

She turned around and placed the tray on an empty table that had wet drop stains across its surface. A bang came from behind her that made her body jump. Turning around she couldn't help but let a gasp leave her lips. 

Storming into the room with nothing but a look of pure determination in his eyes, Clifton Campbell looked like he could shoot daggers at anyone who came a foot near him. 

Myra felt her eyes widen and her heart rate stopped. 

Time froze for a minute. 

Her eyes had met his and as soon as she saw the hurt, the anger and the desperation surrounding his whole being. She could feel her blood flowing faster inside her veins, she could feel the thrum of her heart. The drop of her lungs as they fell to the floor and the sound of silence when she couldn't breathe anymore because the only thing stopping her from soaring was gravity. 

Then Myra looked once more, and it was the same eyes that he shared with his sister. Everything inside her tore into two. 

Time started again. 

Clifton was closer then, nearly a couple steps away from her. He didn't stop when their shoes touched, didn't stop when she said his name in question. 

"Clifton, what?-" 

Didn't stop when he slammed his lips on hers and closed the final distance between them. 

Myra parted her lips almost as a reflex, like she couldn't help but kiss him. Clifton had his hands around her face, he cupped her cheeks and kissed her with a force that left bruises strong enough to make both their pulses one. 

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