- Jin -

555 11 2

Setting: At BTS's home

You all just finished a concert, and arrive home exhausted and starving.

"Who's hungry?" Jin asks.

Everyone gave a grunt, pretty much saying yes.

"Ok, I'll cook something up," Jin says, laughing.

You immediately stand up and say, "I'll help you."

Jin looked surprised, but just nodded his head. The other members thanked us and dispersed. You and JIn head into the kitchen.

"I think I'm going to make a stew," Jin states.

"Ok, what can I help with?" You ask.

He thought for a moment, and then decides you can cut the vegetables.

You nod and go to the fridge to grab some celery and onions. You wash them off and then head back the cutting board. After grabbing a cutting knife, you get to work.

Jin starts boiling water, then glances over at you. His eyes widen as he rushes over.

"You can't cut them like that, you'll cut your fingers off," he worried.

Suddenly, he comes up behind you and places his hands around yours. He guides your hands in cutting the celery. You feel his warmth wrap around you, like a secure blanket.

(I know this sorta like that Weekly Idol episode when Rap Mon was cutting the onion and almost cut his fingers off :P)

After the celery is cut up, Jin asks, "You got the idea?"

You nod, just now noticing how beautiful Jin's eyes were.

"Good, I'm gonna start with the broth," he says smiling.

You also just realize how bright his smile is.

After you finish cutting the vegetables, you put them in a bowl and ask Jin what to do next.

"Add this spices that are listed on this recipe her to the vegetables. Add a bit of oil, too," he explains.

You walk over to the cabinet where you remember seeing the oil. When you open the cabinet and reach for the oil, you feel a pair of eyes staring at you. You know the only person around is Jin, and you blush. Turning to head back to your bowls of vegetables. You drizzle some oil on them, mixed it in, and put the oil back in its spot in the cabinet.

You hand them off to Jin and he stirs them into the pot.

Before you know it, the stew is being served into bowls over rice. You still wanted to be alone in the kitchen with Jin for a little bit longer.

"They look and taste great," he says, giving you a thumbs up.

You nod and smile back at him.

He keeps eye contact with you, like he can see right into your heart. Like he knows what you want.

A kiss.

You turn to face him, and take a step towards Jin. He wraps one hand around your head and the other around your back. He pulls you closer to his, until your lips touch his.

"We should probably serve the stew now," Jin says pulling away. He doesn't look you in the eyes.

You nod, and start to bring the bowls to where the members were in the other room.

Will I ever have a moment like that with Jin again?

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