- Jin -

330 8 1

Setting: A cafeteria in the company building

You and Jin sit down with your meal at a table. No one is there since you guys are eating later than everyone else. You are both VERY hungry.

"Do you need any napkins?" he asks.

"No I'm okay," you reply.

"No thanks."


"I'm good."


"Really, it's okay I don't need anything. But thanks anyway," you reply, you smile at his mom-like instincts.

You both eat in silence. Once your done, you both have to put your plates in a washer, that you can't quite reach. You stand on the tip of your toes when suddenly, the plate slips from from fingers. You try to catch it, but end up slipping. You prepare to hit the ground when suddenly- you don't.

Something, no, someone catches you.

You open your eyes to find Jin holding you, mid fall.

The plate it in pieces on the ground.

But you don't hear it smash, though.

Jin smiles down at you, clouding out all your senses.

And for a second, you smile too.

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