- J-Hope -

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Setting: At a small town

You are with J-Hope at a coffee shop snuggled up in warm clothes and a face mask. You both had the day off and decide to go get coffee and walk around. Once you both order your coffee, you decide to walk along the sidewalk for a bit.

You walk with him for a bit it silence. You come across a Playground and get an idea. You grab his wrist and start to run toward it.

No one is around. You pull him to the slide ladder and point up to the top.

"Last one to the top has to clean the dishes!" you yell as you start climbing.

He smiles and follows you, but you still get there first.

You both laugh. You look at the slides and look at him. You walk over to the curvy slide and point to the bumpy slide.

"You take that one," you direct and he follows. You both slide down and hit the ground, laughing.

He pulls you to one of the tunnels, y'know, those things you talk to people into from the other side of the park. You wait until he's to the other speaker tube thingy and whisper:
"What's your biggest secret?"

There's a long pause.

"I love you."

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