- Jungkook -

592 10 1

Setting: BTS's living room

You walk out from the kitchen with a bowl of snacks. You spot Jungkook sitting on the couch eagerly playing his game. He holds the controller with determination.

You plop down beside him, crunching down on one of the snacks.

"Are you winning?" you ask.

"Mhm," he says keeping his eyes glued to the TV.

You look down at the bowl, and then back at him.

"Are you hungry?" you ask, pushing the bowl towards him.

"Oh, yeah thanks," he says.

You watch him play for awhile, watching him shoot, run, hop, etc. You get up to use the bathroom once, and then come back and resume.

"Kookie?" you say when the game over sign flashes on the screen.

"Yeah?" he asks, looking over at you for the first time in awhile.

You lean forward, kissing him on the lips.

"Good luck next time," you say smiling at him. You get up and walk away.

You can almost feel his face turn red behind you.

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