Chapter 3

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Inside the house Kristoffer's mother was waiting for him.

"Hi mom what a surprise." as he approached and gave her a kiss and a hug.

"Sorry! I didn't call you but I have something important to tell you." She was terrible like something bad happened.

He suddenly looked at Jessica's eyes.

"What is it? Something happened?" He asked nervously.

"Your brother."

He suddenly shifted into a bad mood. "What about him? It's really that necessary to come over here and talk about that man unless he died maybe I can reconsider."

"Kristoff!!" Jessica's voice in anger.

"It's okay Jessica." His mom told her. "Your brother is alive but he was in the hospital. He met a car accident earlier today and unconscious as of the moment. The doctor said that he needed us, his family to be in his side. He is in a critical condition and only a 30% chance of survival caused by the wounds in his vital organs." his mother was in tears while telling what is the condition of her son.

Kristoffer's reaction was plain like he doesn't care at all and Jessica was just staring at him angrily because of his hurtful words.

"I really don't care about him you know that and even if he dies it won't change anything about our relationship issues."

"Son please. just this once!"

"Okay mom! For you I'll pay all the bills needed by your son." He said with no emotions and concern to his brother.

"No, it's not that he needed your money. He needs you now as his brother." His mother said sadly.

"And who will pay all the bills? we know that he is just living a simple life and I guess the surgery and medications will cost a lot of money. I don't want to go there. Sorry mom but I'd rather die than to be connected to him again."

"If your dad is still alive he wouldn't wanted you to say that."

"Jesus! mom! Is it really important to mention him now?" He was angry. "I'll take a rest now. I'm done for today!" He was totally upset and leave his mother and Jessica.

A few minutes later his mother left and Jessica went upstairs to Kristoffer's room.

"Hey." as she knocked at the door.

He wasn't answering so she decided to go inside.

"I'll enter okay?" and inside he saw him seating on the floor with a bottle of beer.

"Hey babe stop that I know your upset but." She said but was interrupted.

"But what? I'm wrong? I'm bad? What? " He said without looking at Jessica.

"You're not bad okay? but you shouldn't say that."

"I don't need to explain."

"Yes but please he is still your brother and you hurt your mom you know?"

"But she did it first. First mentioning that man in the hospital and the second was that guy in the grave." Standing up and arguing to her.

"You know what? you are turning into your worst. Everyday." She said with disappointment.

"Are you going to leave me?" He said with a low tone.

"No. I love you and I want you to be better and learn how to let go of things in the past."

"I already let go and I've become better. I became a successful man and rich millionaire."

"It's not that."

"Then what?" asking eagerly.

"You didn't learn anything don't you? Remember you have a lot of friends few years back but because of what you've become they all left."

"Because they are all fake."

"And you are real?" Think of this Kristoff! You are not happy! completely happy. Aren't you?" She asked even if she knew what the answer was.

"I'm happy. because I'm successful and I have you by my side. and especially I can do whatever I want in life."

"Maybe. but at the end of each day you feel like that there is something you want." She knew him well.

"All i needed is you nothing more nothing less."

"Even me can't fill the hole in your heart."


"I know. It was still your issue with your father and brother that makes you like that."

"Like what?" He was mad but something is telling him to avoid it. " and who told you that issue thing?"he continued.

"Like being bad to others. You!"

"I'm not bad it's just that this is me you know. What? me? I didn't tell you anything." Defensive side is getting into him.

"You don't remember because you were drunk that night a few years back when we were just a new couple. You told me that you hate them. You keep on saying it and you told me that you can never forgive them. And" She remembered everything.

"Wow! I said that? I'm sorry I don't want you to be involve in it."

"Tell me everything Kristoff."

"I won't"


"I told you I don't want you to be involved."

"But if you love me and trust me you should tell me."

"Please! Let's go to bed. I need to rest."

She sighed." Okay."

That day ended with Jessica had so many questions inside her mind.

"What happened to him? He's not likely the man I met five years ago." Jessica's thought while looking at Kristoffer who was sleeping.

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