Chapter 6

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"Hey! still busy?" Jessica was at the door.

"Come." He ordered.

"You are still doing something." as she took a glance on the table of Kristoffer.

"Yes. but I can handle it. What is it you want to tell." He asked.

"Finish it first then we'll talk." She refused.

"Okay. hmm" Reading her actions.

"Okay. I'll take a nap. Just wake me up of you're already done with what you are doing." as she lie down on the sofa.

(Two hours later)

It was already 3 in the morning.

She woke up finding him watching her sleeping.

"Hey. what are you doing?" She asked.

"Watching a beatiful woman sleeping." then he kissed her romanticly.

It was a passionate 2 minutes kiss.

"Hmm I love you Jessica." Telling her while he held her hand.

"I love you more than you know." She smiled.

"So what do we need to talk about?" He doesn't have an idea.

"Don't be mad at me babe but it's about you and your family." She said it nervously.

He suddenly walked near his table and turned around facing the window. "How many times do I need to tell you? that."

"I understand but just once! Please! I need you to trust me with this. I needed to be involved because I'll be a part of your family in the future if you want me to be. Just now ? Let's talk about it and I promise! After this I'll shut my mouth with topics like those." She's convincing him.

Without looking back he replied. " I'll give you this moment but I'll hold on to your word of promise."

"Okay babe! thank you." Her voice was in joy.

"What do you want to talk about it? And wait! Let's talk about it but you should not go beyond the line." He warned.

" What line?"

"That you will ask me what my mom ask me to do for him." Pertaining to the favor his mother ask for his brother.

"Hmm I won't promise."

"Then don't ask for it because my answer for that is a no and no one can change that." He meaned it.

She sighed. "Babe I already knew everything why you hated them." She confessed.

"She told you huh?" He turned around and sat on his chair.

"Yes, and I want to help."

"I don't need you help in this matter and I'll tell you something that might interest you."

"What?" She's surprised. What??? Him? Would tell something about his hidden secrets.

"I knew everything." He said softly.

Shocked with the revelation Jessica didn't say anything.

"You're surprise aren't you? I know my mom which was really my stepmom in reality told you about this. I knew it long ago but kept it inside because letting her know about it will only cause drama." He was smiling like he caught a cheater who cheated.

"Yes. Your mom believed that you didn't knew about it. Isn't that the reason why you hated your father and your half-brother?" She interrogated.

"No. Actually I just don't want him as my brother and I don't want a father like him." He said disliking that part of reality.

"You should let go of all the hatred you keep inside your heart." She told him.

"What hatred? It's just that I don't like them that's all ."He argued.

"How long will you pretend to be tough?? Kristoffer I knew you! We were together for almost a long time. I knew that you were not completely happy. Something is missing in your life and you're aware of that." She's finally took a step into the battle zone.

"I'm not pretending! You! Is just enough for me to be complete and what is that something you are telling me."

"Your family."

"I don't need them anymore. I just need you by my side." He was talking selfishly.

"Damn! Kristoffer! do you even hear yourself what bullshit you are telling me. It was not the Kristoffer I just met eight years ago." Jessica's high tone suddenly decreased.

"We should end this conversation. It won't do good for both of us." Kristoffer's tone was dead serious.

"No! This will not end not until you realize what you are right now is not who you were once. You changed Kristoffer especially after your father died." She continued her plea. "Please Kristoffer let go of it and learn to forgive yourself also."

"What is wrong with you? I repeat I won't let go because I don't have something to let go of.  I'm still me and maybe you think I changed because I became more mature. Please don't mention him again. That bastard!". His eyes was in a fury mode.

"You don't want to hear his name or the word "father" because you have something inside your heart!"

"I hate this. Stop now I don't want to talk to you anymore about this and them." He was angered by her words.

"Kristoffer! What I'm doing right now is all for your sake." She explained with a teary eyes.

"I don't need it! I don't need to changed because this is who I really am."

"No you're not. You knew it yourself deep inside." She was crying.

"Stop now I don't want to see you cry .  This is my fault for agreeing to this conversation." He admitted.

"No, If you really want me to stop crying you will changed for me and if you really love me you won't let me in this difficult situation." She continued to cry.

"If you insist on what you want. I'm sorry but I won't because I can't" He apologized.

"Then I'm sorry maybe I should leave. I love you but I don't think you are still that man I'm inlove with." She said as she stood up and walked away.

"Jessica!" He shouted and followed her.

"Don't follow me. I'm not gonna go back until you realize what I said to you."

"Please! don't leave me."

He followed her but she refused to talk anymore. Jessica rode a cab and Kristoffer was left behind at the road standing hopelessly. Without any signs It rained and silently the raindrops filled his face streaming with his tears.

He went back to his office.

Sat on his chair.

turned to faced the window.

Watching the window cleaned by the rain.

He cried silently.

Knowing she left her with a valid reason.

Knowing all she said was true.

and Knowing all he answered was a lie.

He close his eyes.

Still with tears streaming from his eyes.

"She's right." He paused and continued.

"I'm not completely happy."

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