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It was the first day of kindergarten and I was so excited. I haven't met you yet, but I felt like something good was going to happen. Even though I said, I didn't like photographing as much as painting, I still carried that little camera around my neck wherever I went. I took pictures of what I wanted to paint later and because it's incredibly hard to paint while you were walking down the street I took as many pictures as I could.

I was chasing a very beautiful butterfly and I didn't look where I was going. I accidentally ran over your sandcastle that you had build for a half an hour. You didn't cry, because 'big boys don't cry' as you said it when I asked if you were alright, but I still saw the little tears in your eyes.

I offered to build a new one with you and you happily accepted my offer, because there was no way that you could have made a new one in the time we had left. The butterfly flew away, but I got even more perfect pic. You were laughing, because I had asked something like 'how do you let me help you? I thought girls had cooties.' And I was super touched when you said that 'other girls have, you're special'.

You were my first and only friend through the whole kindergarten, other people were just too boring for us or grossed out that a girl and a boy could be friends without getting cooties.

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