e p i l o g u e

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"Nina, I'm home!" I yelled as I walked in our apartment. "Oh, hi Gaston."

Gaston was Nina's boyfriend of two years. And as much as I hated being a third wheel, I have to admit that they were super cute together. Gaston recently proposed and now he's being in our apartment more than usually.

"How are the invitations?" I asked as I threw my keys on the kitchen table.

"They're okay, I guess. Nina doesn't think that they are, she wants them to be perfect."

"Of course she wants. When Nina ever has wanted anything to be imperfect?"

"So, how are you?" Gaston asked. I recently broke up with my boyfriend, and since that Gaston has been super worried about my wellbeing.

"I'm better than I was in that relationship, thank you for caring." He has become like a brother to me, always making sure I'm fine.

"That's good. I'm sorry for bringing this up, but Matteo has been invited to our wedding."

"Oh, well that's okay. It's your wedding anyway." I said, but I couldn't fought the tears that escaped from my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Luna. It's just that he's my best friend and I miss him. I wouldn't have invited him if he's only a friend, because I know the affect that he has on you."

"He doesn't have any affect on me! I have moved on completely." Well maybe that wasn't true.

"Luna look at yourself. You're crying because I said his name."

"No. I'm crying, because I have to see that cheater again. Where's Nina?" I asked, changing the subject.

"She went to check that the flowers were the right ones, or something."

"Okay, I'll be in my room if you need something." I said and turned around.


"Come here guys, we're taking pictures!" Nina yelled as she stood under a beautiful tree that autumn had colored orange.

First it was only Nina and Gaston underneath the tree smiling happily at each other, Nina in her wedding dress and Gaston in his tux.

As the maid of honor and the best man, you and I had to be in our picture too. And I was sure that the awkwardness in that situation would be seen in the picture later.

"Could you two not look like you are just broken up?" The photographer yelled behind the camera.

"Well I'm sorry, if I don't want to be in a picture with a cheater!" I yelled back and made, maybe little too dramatic exit.

"Luna, you can't just run away. You're the maid of honor!" I heard you yelling after me, but I didn't care. Clearly you didn't cared about my feelings.


I was living alone now. Nina and Gaston moved together after the wedding and since then I have been living alone. Which is a couple of years now.

I opened the door to my house and looked through the mail.

A wedding invitation? I don't know anyone who could get married?

The tears, I couldn't see through my tears as I opened the invitation. It was from you.

I couldn't be there anymore, I had to get out.

I was walking around the city, crying and getting some looks from other people, but I didn't care.

I was looking around until I pumped into something or rather someone.

"Excuse me." I said and looked up.

"Oh, hi Luna." You said. Out of all people it had to be you.

"Hi. Congratulations, by the way."

"Thanks, you'll be there, right?" Why are you asking me that?

"I don't know, I didn't catch the date before I had to leave. Speaking of leaving, I have to go." I said and pushed past you.

"Luna, could we be friends again, at least?" You said as I had took two steps.

"Oh, I don't know. Will you make me believe that we're best friends for life and then ignore me for good four years at least?" Call me petty, I don't care.

"That's what I thought. Good bye Matteo. Don't expect me to your wedding." I said and left you stand there as the tears prickled in my eyes.

After this I hope I'll never have to see you again. Every time I see you, I'm always left at being more blue.

For my whole life, I felt that we were just a million miles away from each other.

a million miles | LutteoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang