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Oh, how I loved your midnight calls. We always had to be super quiet, because our parents thought that we were sleeping.

"Shh! You know Matteo that our parents can hear us." I whisper yelled to the phone.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to check on my princess and wish her a good night." Matteo laughed.

"Thanks, good night for you too." I whispered and hang up.

I always thought about why you were so different in school than with me. In school you hardly ever talked to me and when we were alone, it was like neither one of us was quiet.

I also thought about why did you avoid me so much. It was few years. Like I don't understand. Why are you now dating me?

In the next night, I waited your call, but it never came. You left me worrying that you were hurt or something. I tried to call you instead but you didn't answer.

"Matteo, where are you?" I questioned myself. I fell asleep thinking that maybe you would text me in the night. But when I woke up next morning, there were no texts informing your whereabouts.

I thought that maybe we would see each other as we're walking to school, because you had dedicated it was 'our time' and you weren't with your friends.

I dressed up and started walking t school. But as I reached your house you weren't there. But I was late too so I couldn't stop and eat for you.

"Where are you?" I asked, accidentally aloud.

"Are you looking for Matteo?" His neighbor asked.

"Yes, have you seen him?"

"Oh, not after he brought that chick with him and disappeared to his house."

"Okay, thank you." I said and started walking quickly to school so nobody wouldn't see the tears that were prickling my eyes.

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