Chapter 1-Matthew

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This is a collaboration piece! Any chapter with Matthew is written in first person by Ultimate Fangirl. Any chapter with Gilbert is written in third person by Llama Queen. We'll try to update as much as possible, but school and life gets in the way. Hope you enjoy!

Note: This is PruCan, but contains side pairings such as LietPol, Spamano, Gerita, FrUK, and Ameripan. If you hate these ships, don't despair-they aren't the main story ^^

"Mattie! Mattie! Wake up!" Alfred stood over me, shaking me awake. I turned over to look at the clock. Seven in the morning. Nope. Too early.

I turned away from him. "Not yet," I grumbled. He could wait. Just because he likes to wake up before the sun touches the horizon doesn't mean everyone does.

"We got new coffee..." Alfred offered.

"Is there any maple syrup?"

"We're out."

"No thank you, then."

Alfred shrugged and sighed. "If you say so, dude."

Now that Alfred had woken me up, the details of my dream were already fading away. There was...a castle? Yes, a castle. I was on a balcony, watching the stars. There was someone beside me. I don't remember him clearly, but he...had grey hair... and red-ish purple eyes.

That was all I remembered. Why was I at that castle? Who was that man beside me? Despite all of my confusion, I remembered one thing: I thought he was beautiful.

What am I talking about?! I don't even know him...! Besides, I'd be too shy to talk to someone at a ball, let alone stargaze with him. Alfred's always been the talkative one out of the two of us. If anyone would fall in love at a ball, it would be him.

I live a quiet and simple life. It might not be ideal, and it might not be complete, but it's enough.

That's what I tell myself.

I heard cluttering down in the kitchen. Arthur and Francis must be awake as well. It's only seven-thirty now! Am I the only one who likes to sleep in?

Arthur and Francis are my adopted parents. They have sort of a strange relationship. One minute they're arguing, the next, they're all lovey dovey. I call them my adopted parents, but I don't think of them that way. They adopted my brother Alfred and I when we were babies. I consider them my real parents.

Maybe I should get up...? They don't even have maple syrup down there. Still, if I let Alfred or-God forbid-Arthur cook, it'll be a disaster.

I pat my polar bear, Kumarjiro, as I walked out of my room and down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Hi everyone..." My voice has always been soft, and a little above a whisper. There was a boy I liked once who thought I was a girl for the longest time, mostly because of my voice. That didn't end well.

The clamor in the kitchen was too loud for a thing to be heard over it. Arthur had tried to start breakfast, and the smoke detector went off right on cue. He was trying to salvage the last of the ruined eggs while Francis waved a towel frantically at the smoke. Alfred watched this whole scene in glee, laughing at the chaos unfolding in front of him.

"Mon amour!" Francis shouted. "You should have known you can't cook anything other than tea and scones!"

"You shut it, frog!" Arthur retorted. "Like you could do a better job!

"Actually, I could!"

Once the smoke had been cleared, I sat down at the breakfast table. "Hi everyone."

Under The Wisteria Tree- Cinderella x Hetalia AU-PruCanWhere stories live. Discover now