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hey i can't believe this story has gone so big that last time i've been on here i think it's almost been a year and if anyone is really reading this thanks truly. I used this as a place where i could be myself at the time and i talk to people that never judged me and to know that sooooo many people loved my book on a ship i thought was cute wow. Especially now to look back on how i was then means so much for people still to look at this story and laugh cry and whatever. I came back to say thanks to everyone who read knowing someone cared about me back then meant the absolute world to me and it still does and i'm still alive right? this makes me so happy knowing i made it through my struggles thru and app where i could be anyone i wanted to and now i'm here happy smiling thanks truly means the world feel free to chat me on this cuz i'd be happy to talk:)

thank you:)
🔆you all make my day brighter🔆

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