Chapter 4

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a/n: "GeogRyan" because it's perfect. Also, I think this is kind of a short chapter...i'm sorry.

sandy's p.o.v.

", Julia, hi" I say, acting as if nothing has happened. Ryan, who was hiding, moves out from behind me and waves. "Hey, Roberts. Good to see you, again." She is just standing there with her mouth wide open. "I'm gonna the kitchen." Ryan says and I nod. He lightly grazes his hand across my ass as he walks by and I flinch just enough for Julia to see. Once he's gone, I walk to the couch, slowly, and sit down, with Julia trailing. "What made you stop by, Jules?" "Don't start a normal conversation with me like I didn't just see what I walked in and saw" she yells at me. I put my hand over her mouth.  "Shhhh!!! You did not see anything!" She cut her eyes at me because she couldn't say anything.

julia's p.o.v.

I pushed Sandy's hand off of my face and gave her a look. "Why am I just now hearing about this?!" I say, poking her in her side. "About what?" she says innocently. "About me having a friend over? I don't usually tell everyone when I plan on having a friend over" "Sandra, do not do that. You know what I'm talking about!" she said in a yelling whisper. She shrugged and began to play with the tips of her hair.  "EXPLAIN! SANDY, EXPLAIN!" She flipped her hair over her shoulder and faced me. "There's nothing I need to explain." She stood up, rather quickly, and almost fell over. I grabbed her around her waist and helped her sit back down. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "What happened?" She shakes her head at me. "It's not a big deal, I just woke up with a massive headache and I've been a little dizzy." My eyes widened, "Why?! What did you do last night?" She thought for a moment. "I...don't remember". I ask her if Ryan was there last night and she doesn't say anything. I gasp. "SANDRA!"

ryan's p.o.v.

I walk back into the living room where Julia and Sandra were talking. "Is everything okay?" "How long have you been here, Ryan?" Julia asks me, abruptly. I glance at Sandra for a second, who is fiddling with her hair, then back at Julia. "Around seven...last night." "Mhm..." Julia says. I look at Sandra again and see that she is looking at the ground. "You know, Julia. That kiss you saw when you walked today wasn't our first one. Emma's party a few months ago? We kissed there. Hell, we even fucked there! And Sandy shouldn't feel ashamed about it. We fucked last 4 times. And do you know how much I regret it? None! Do you know why? Because I am deeply in love with that woman sitting next to you. She might never feel the same way about me, but my feelings for her will never change." With that, I grabbed my coat and headed to the door. "Take care of her, Julia." I walked out the door before anyone could say anything else to me.

3rd person omniscient p.o.v.

Sandra and Julia are both silent for a moment. Sandra is glancing at the door, like Ryan is just gonna come waltzing back in the door. Julia breaks the silence, "Sandra, what are you thinking?" "I'm thinking my love life is going no where. I'm thinking there two people who's hearts that I'm breaking and they don't even know it." She starts to cry softly. "I can't keep doing this to them. They mean so much to me. I can't do this to them. I'm using them, when they deserve to be truly loved." Julia looked at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?! Ryan isn't the only one?" Sandra shakes her head, as her soft cries turn into soft sobs. "That man is deeply in love with me? Did he say he was deeply in love with me? Is that what he said?!" Julia nods, "Sandy, I'm not really sure what's going on right now. Can you...tell me what's happening?" Sandra pulls herself together, just enough to tell Julia what the deal is between her and George and her and Ryan. After she finishes, Julia blinks a few times before she can speak. "Don't feel bad, hun. I can understand where you're coming from." Julia wipes the tears from Sandra's face. "It's just so hard to commit to someone after...Jesse." Julia nods, understandingly. "You can forget about that douchebag. That's just a part of the past that needs to be forgotten. He doesn't deserve to be remembered. He's a piece of shit who should burn in hell for what he did to you. But now, you have a man who loves you, would do anything for you, and would be loyal to you. He's worth it." she finishes. "But...but what about George?" Julia laughed, just a little. "The fact that you knew I was talking about Ryan should answer that question for you. So, you need to talk to him. Now, you need to get your mind off things and cheer up, so you're having some people over." Sandra's eyes widen. "Jules, what are you talking about?" Julia jumps up and pulls Sandra up with her. "I texted everybody while we have been sitting here. And you have about...29 minutes to go get ready!" Sandra shakes her head and rolls her eyes and Julia, as she goes upstairs to get ready. 

~30 minutes later~

sandra's p.o.v.

I looked in the mirror again to decide if I wanted to change or not. I thought about the red dress that stopped just below my butt and my black stillettos. Sure, it was daytime, but I could still try and be sexy. I decided to keep the outfit. I walk down the stairs and there is already a multitude of people I knew I wouldn't time to say 'hello' to. I got to the bottom of the stairs and realized food had miraculously appeared and music was blaring from my living room speakers. Julia came up to me, along with Emma and Jennifer Lopez. They both wave hello to me and we give each other hugs. I walk around and greet a few other people, when I see Ryan. Our eyes meet and I grin, as he walks over to me. "Hi." He gives me a warm hug. "Hey, I'm glad you came back." He smiles,"So am I.", he says right as the doorbell rings. "I'm gonna go get that." He nods. I walk over to the door and open the door. The man standing and the door was looking at the ground, until he heard me open the door. He scans my body as his eyes went from my feet, to my ankles, to my shins, to my knees, to my thighs, to my hips, to my stomach, to my chest, to my chin, to my lips (where he pauses), to my nose, then our eyes meet. "Wow", he says, biting his lip. I stand at the door speechless, but finally get out one word. "George."

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