Chapter 5

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I would tell you to read "GeogRyan" but the damn author ended it. um...minor language..

sandy'.s p.o.v.

"Hey, sexy", he said winking at me. I cleared my throat, nervously, and half-smiled. I turn

around to look for Julia and see her on the other side of the room. "Come in, George, mingle!" He walks past me and I shut the door. When I turn back around he is still standing there, reaching to hug me. As I hug him, he whispers in my ear, "I don't need to mingle; I have you." When he said that, I got choked a little bit and starting coughing uncontrollably. Someone brought me a drink. I don't know who brought it or what it was. Whatever it was, it was strong, but not strong enough, so I downed the whole thing and sat the glass on a nearby table. "I'm gonna...go talk to some guests", I say nervously, leaving him to go talk to Julia.

julia's p.o.v.

I saw Sandy strutting over to me and I could tell she was nervous about George being here. "Julia!" she said, when she got to where I was standing. "Yes, dear?" "I need to talk to you", she says as she pulls me down a hallway. "What's up?", I ask pretending that I don't know. "What the hell?!" she whisper yelled to me. "I'm not ready to talk to him and you know it! Why would you invite him?" "Because you can't avoid him forever. You need to talk to him." She started pacing back and forth in the small hallway. "Calm down, honey." I say grabbing her arm to keep her still. "You will be fiiiiiine." She groaned. "I don't wanna hurt him, Julia. I know what it's like to be hurt and I don't want to do that to him." she says, starting to tear up, looking at the ground. "Hey, look at me." She does. "What Jesse did to you was awful! And it was in no way a good thing to do, but it has definitely made you a stronger person. You have to make the decision to tell him before he finds out some other way. For now, go enjoy yourself; don't stress about it." I wipe her tears, give her a motherly pop on the butt and walk back over to Jen and Emma. I look back to make sure she left the hallway behind me.

sandy's p.o.v.

I take a deep breath and leave the hallway. Immediately, someone is standing right in front in front of me. "Sandy!", they say embracing me in a huge hug, lifting me off the ground a few inches. I recognize the voice, even though I hadn't heard it in so long. "Keanu, hi!!" I release myself from the hug, but he doesn't let go. "It's been too long, Sandy, too long. We need

to catch up." I smile, "We do." He reaches out his hand. "I know this isn't that type of party, but dance with me...we can talk." I laugh at his quirky offer, but take his hand, "Of course". He  pulls me to a space where there are barely any people. He puts his hands around my waist, mine around his neck, and we sway, despite the fairly upbeat song playing.

My lips are next to his right ear and his next to my right ear. "How have you been, Sandy?" "Hanging in there, pretty busy." "How's Louis?" "Louis is amazing. The most amazing little boy. He's four, now, and just as smart as ten-year-old boys." Keanu spins me and we return our original position. "I'm glad you have him in your life. You seem happier." I smile, even though he can't see it. "Yeah...I am." "Good. Dating?" "Ahhh no. Louis is my one and only right now." "I see. Where is the little guy, anyway?" "Oh, my sister has him for a bit." "Oh, okay. That's ----" He was cut off, as someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and was immediately punched in the right cheek, causing his head to fall to the left. Everyone is now silent and looking our way. "Oh my god! Ryan, what the fuck?!" Before he can even think about responding, Keanu pushes him, causing him to knock into a table, then run into the wall. "Keanu, stop!!!" I yell, jumping between them, so they wouldn't charge at each other. "Both of you need to stop" I say whispering in the quiet room. Ryan pushes me to the side, causing me to lose my balance and hit the ground. He, then, tackles Keanu to the ground, where they repeatedly punch each other in the face, like I hadn't just been thrown to the ground. I get up from the ground with tears running down my face, not because the fall hurt, but because my heart hurt. I thought of Ryan as someone who would never hurt me. I turned and started up the stairs, waving a dismissive hand in the air, showing how little I cared, anymore.

ugh, i said i wasnt gonna update yet! :( but i feel bad. its been a while

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