Chapter 8

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sandy's p.o.v.

I stood there for a while shocked at how he can still care about me. I've lied to him so much and so many people have gotten hurt because of me. He loves me anyway and no matter how hard I try, I can't push him away. He's there and won't ever go away.

My phone rang for the fourth time since I had been standing there, but I ignored it once again. I walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer. I popped it open and took a large gulp. I slid down and sat on the floor in the kitchen, closing my eyes and leaning my head back on the fridge. "You look comfy," I heard a voice say and felt a body next to mine. I handed my beer to them without opening my eyes. "Yeah, well I'm not. You can have your shirt back, but I have to take a shower first." I heard him take a sip and place the bottle back on the floor. "I could use a shower, too." "Then, why didn't you stay home and take one," I said getting up and walking to the stairs. He caught up to me at the bottom of the stairs, spinning me around. "Hey, did I miss something? Was your mind not here last night or..." I don't know why but I laughed. "Last night shouldn't have happened. Nothing that was remotely similar to what happened last night should have ever happened between us, George," I took a breath. "I'm sorry," I whispered, walking up the stairs. "You'll get your shirt back."


I stepped out of the shower, feeling a lot cleaner, inside and out. I dried my hair with the towel, then wrapped it around my body and walked into my room where there was someone sitting on my bed. I screamed causing them to turn around. "Damnit, Keanu," I said, trying to slow my heart rate. "You scared the living shit out of me. What are you doing here?" "I blew you off earlier and I'm sorry." I shook my head, "Oh, no there's nothing you need to apologize for. I should be apologizing for getting you into this shit." "What do you mean?" I walked over and sat next to him. "A few months ago, I was sleeping with George-," "CLOONEY?!" he said, cutting me off. "Yes, yes it gets worse. A week or so after that, at Emma's party, I slept with Ryan. Afterwards, he found out that I was sleeping with someone else and I don't know why but I was trying to protect George, so I kinda maybe told Ryan it was you because I didn't think he would see you anytime soon. That's why he punched you..."

He just sat there for a while, then nodded processing what I had just told him. "I understand," he said calmly. "You do. I'm glad. You're not...mad?" He shook his head,"Noooooo, I would have done the same to protect you." "Keanu, that's very sweet," I said, placing my hand on his. He looks in my eyes, making me melt. I don't have feelings for I? I would come to my senses. He leaned in and there was nothing in the world that made me not want it as much as he did. Our lips crashed onto each other and my hands made their way to his face. I pulled away first. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to.." He laughed and grabbed my face with one hand. "What makes you think I don't want this? Then what you told Ryan won't necessarily be a lie." He crashed his lips onto mine once again, this time with more force than before. I stopped him. "We can't. I'm already so confused on what to do and I don't know if I would ever forgive myself." He nodded. "Is that Ryan's shirt?" he asked pointing to the folded shirt on my dresser. I shook my head, "George's." He stood up and so did I. "Yeah, you have a lot you need to figure out. I shouldn't make things even more confusing," he said hugging me. I kissed him and said goodbye. "Keanu..." He turned around at the door. "Thank you." "What are friends for? He smiled as he walked out the door.

sosososososososo sorry everyone. I had to make this chapter short also because the next chapter is extremely important and if I added anything to this chapter, it would mess up the flow of the next chapter. i will hopefully be a better writer very very soon there has been a lot going on in my life right now and its all really crazy but anyway thank you for wasting your time reading this little note thingy ahahahah

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